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A hearty warm hello from the Portal

For those of you who knows me well, I get very exited about the sun, moon, stars, celestial events, numbers and anything and everything that can assist one in ones forward evolution on this Earth plane. And tomorrow is one of my favourite dates, and I'm so excited to share the downloads that's available to our group, gathering on Zoom tomorrow night at 7pm. 

Here is what Sharyn McNeil has to say about the numerology for tomorrow 

"11/11 -22  - DNA UPGRADES!

“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important you are!” Eckhart Tolle 

DNA UPGRADES = 4 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 7 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 1 = 47 = 4 + 7 = 11

11/11/22 = 22/22 = 44 =8 ✨God Light ✨ 

✨11/11✨ Divine Mirror Codes of AWAKENING
✨20/22✨ Divine Awakening Peace Codes 
✨44     ✨ Celestial Power, courage/God, Creator, Source, Spirit. 
✨ 8      ✨ Heaven on Earth Code 

The 11:11 Gateway connects you to the Higher Realms of Spirit… as you remember the Truth of who you really are.  

How wonderful to know The Infinite Creation within everything that you are,  IS all responding to the LIGHT in YOU !

The vibrational significance of the 11 11 22  Gateway  is GIFTING us  incredible clarity and connection from the highest realms of Spirit. 

A 22 22 Master Code  activates the GOD CONSCIOUSNESS PORTAL of DIVINE LOVE - which  is preparing us for...

Next year's 2023 Divine Frequency of Truth with a focus on SPIRITUAL AWAKENING! 

22-(11+11) ' 22-is CREATING an incredible vibrational opening for Unity, Love, Peace; Light, Truth

11.11. will be Illuminating what's not working in your life  - offering  a particularly strong opportunity to make peace with the parts of your life that feel divided, separate, in polarity or incomplete and needs to be resolved and brought to peace..

The most important thing to remember today IS the

 ✨✨✨LIGHT ✨✨✨ you carry within you 

and how, when you expand that light and shine it out to the world...

when you DO THAT sweet soul, you CHANGE everything! 

Take advantage of this wonderful moment in time – a triple activation of Double New Beginnings.

Be Fearless, Be Love, Be Forgiveness  

Release old hurts, talk to the people you have unresolved issues with – reach out and forgive. You will be blessed many times over as a new lightness of being embraces your heart.

Let all bygones be bygones.

Gold light is a very high frequency linked to 23 of 2023 "

I'm exited about the new year, and anchoring in all that I wish to bring forward to help people with their spiritual growth and personal development. "Know thyself and be true to thyself" is advice my guides usually gave me in the past. 

I've been working on various course offerings and will roll them out one at a time to cater for all bands of consciousness needs. Slot in where you feel called to.

We are each walking the other home, side by side... It's an honour for me to assist you with your spiritual journey.

Namaste, Blessed be
Notification to Portal Members

Powerful 11/11 Manifestation Portal Guided Meditation tomorrow night 7pm SAST for all my members. Non-members at a fee of R200 once-off

Message me if you want to be included and I'll send you the zoom link as well

082 788 1413
I so enjoyed they journey with my members this year. 

Calling forth anyone else that wants to join and become a member

Portal Group Guided Meditations are done on 
1/1.    2/2.     3/3.    4/4.    5/5.    6/6.    7/7.     8/8.    9/9.    10/10.   11/11.   12/12.   
At 7pm SAST via Zoom and if you missed it you can access the recording thereof with the password I give you on my One Drive

Just a friendly reminder that the Membership fees run from Jan -Dec each year, and is up for renewal.

Upfront payment discounted if received in full prior to 15 Dec R2000/$115

Normal payments anything after 15 Dec R2,200/$125

Alternative payment options:
Payable over 3 months R735 / $45  x 3

Payable over 10 months 
R220 / $12.50 x10

Please advise your choice of payment 

BANK:               FNB
ACC NAME:      Fiona van Rensburg
ACC NUMBER: 62062700193
BRANCH:          Kloof 221526
TYPE:                Current Acc
REF:                   PM23 + Your name

Or via PayPal to

Infinite blessings

For those who would like to join the In-person guided meditation and development circles, it starts in 10th of Jan 2023 and will be held weekly on a Tuesday mornings at 21 Lea Road, Manors between 9-11am with tea and coffee afterwards. Let me know if you would like to join in, and I'll send you the details.
082 788 1413
Video on my NEW VENUE
1st online course offering January 2023
Enneagram Workshop
online via Zoom (interactive, informative, power point presentations, and access to my online library of ebooks and videos) 
4 x Sundays 9-3pm with a lunch break
(not to worry if you miss a class, the recording will be available for you to catch up on in your own time)

Some of the things that I'll cover in the course

  • What is the Enneagram? 
  • The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. The Enneagram describes nine different personality types and maps each of these types on a nine-pointed diagram which helps to illustrate how the types relate to one another. The name Enneagram comes from the Greek: Ennea is the Greek word for nine and Gramma means something that’s drawn or written.

  • How does the Enneagram work? 
  • How to use the Enneagram 
  • What is the Enneagram personality test 
  • Enneagram types & descriptions  
  • How to find your Enneagram 
  • The benefits of the Enneagram 
  • Going deeper... 
  • 7 concepts for deeper application of  the Enneagram 
  • The core motivations of each type 
  • Adjacent wings 
  • Stress and growth lines 
  • Childhood wounds 
  • Primary instincts (subtypes) 
  • Core emotional drivers (triads) 
  • Career Guidelines for each Enneatype
  • Understanding each Enneagram type personalities and how it can impact their career 

  • Famous Enneagram types & their career 

  • Key motivations that should influence each Enneagram type in careers 

  • Faq’s about mistyping your Enneagram types 

  • How to become a healthy Enneagram type

  • Relationships of each type with the other and much more

Applications of the Enneagram

Enneagram is mostly used for personal self-knowledge and personality development, offering a powerful tool for self-mastery, conflict resolution, team dynamics, leadership and emotional intelligence. Because it identifies opportunities for development for each individual type, it has become widely used in areas such as counseling, psychotherapy, business development, parenting and education.

Why studying the Enneagram would be beneficial to you
The Enneagram is beneficial because of its unique ability to help individuals interpret the complexities of their personalities.  It is an accessible tool that anyone can understand with help and guidance.  People use the Enneagram to identify and overcome unhealthy patterns that affect them personally and within their relationships. 

5 benefits of the Enneagram 

  • Uncanny assessment 

  • Accessible for most people to understand 

  • It helps to reflect on the past and create pathways for positive change 

  • Provides insight for growth 

  • Avoids limitations and stereotypes 

The Enneagram is a tool that can help you jumpstart growth and change in your life.  It is a tool rather than a crutch to depend on for identifying your limitations, strengths, and potential.

Investment Fee R4,444 
Early bird special R3,333 if you pay before 15th of December 2022  (thus saving R1,111)

Love and light
082 788 1413

Happy to help you, your family or close like-minded friends.

As a Lightworker, I empower people to live in their own truths by imparting knowledge, guidance and encouraging them to have Self- Love. At the Portal of Alchemy, the focus is on your Holistic Wellbeing. I value and appreciate each referral. Thank you.


Love and light
Intuitive Empath Energy Healer, Metaphysical Teacher, Spiritual Mentor / Life and Enneagram Coach

PORTAL of Alchemy
Address:21 Lea Road, Manors, Pinetown, Kzn, SA

Mobile                     : +2782 788 1413
Facebook Page      : @PORTALOFALCHEMY
Instagram               : @PORTAL_OF_ALCHEMY
Email                     :
web                       :

"Heal your Past, Live in the Now & Dream your Future"
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