Dear friends of Investigate Midwest,

Erin Orr here, executive director at Investigate Midwest. I know you get many emails asking for your year-end contribution, so I want to take this opportunity to share why Investigate Midwest is different, and why we need your support now more than ever.
Investigate Midwest can receive up to $15,000 in matching funds, which means we can raise $30,000 during this campaign.

We were started in 2009 with the mission of exposing dangerous, costly practices of influential agricultural corporations and institutions via data-driven investigative journalism. We do this every day through stories like, "Pain Denied," which led to an OSHA citation and settlement with Seaboard Foods. This is in-depth reporting you won't find on such issues from other media outlets.
As a nonprofit, we depend on the support of readers like you to keep this critical work going. That's why I'm excited to share that we have an incredible opportunity to increase the impact of your donation through NewsMatch, a call-to-action to support nonprofit news organizations around the country.

From now through the end of the year, NewsMatch will match your new monthly donation 12 times or double your one-time gift (you do not need to be a new donor), all up to $1,000 per individual. Investigate Midwest can receive up to $15,000 in matching funds, which means we can raise a total $30,000 during this campaign.

What do you say? Will you invest in Investigate Midwest's mission?
I will double my support NOW!
With gratitude,
Erin Orr
Executive director, Investigate Midwest

P.S. Don't forget, please help us spread the word. Sharing this with your friends and colleagues would assist our cause — independent, nonprofit accountability journalism.

P.S.S. Here is a link to the story mentioned above:
- OSHA cites Seaboard Foods pork plant for failing to document worker injuries and illnesses

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