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Opening Prayer

Almighty God we give you thanks for surrounding us as daylight fades with the brightness of the vesper light; and we implore you of your great mercy that as you enfold us with the radiance of this light so you would shine into our hearts the brightness of your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

St Patrick's 
Upcoming Worship Services

Join us this Sunday for Holy Eucharist at 10:00
November 13, 2022

Canon Mary will be celebrating with us this Sunday!

If you are unable to join in person, click here for the Zoom invite.

Click here to download the service bulletin

Contact Information:

The Rev. Canon Mary Goshert, Priest In Charge
Phone: 707-747-5653

The Very Rev. Ed, Assisting Priest In Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033
Our Happenings at St Patrick's Church!

November 11 -  BBC-Schools Meeting at 11:00 a.m. at St Patrick's Church.

November 12 - Memorial Service for Bishop George Hunt at 11:00 a.m.
                          located at St Patrick's Church, followed by a reception. 

November 13 -  Holy Eucharist at 10:00 a.m. followed by Coffee Hour Fellowship

November 15 -  Redwood Empire Food Bank distribution at 5:00 p.m. in the
                            front church parking lot. 

November 16 -  Midweek Worship at 10:00 a.m. followed by Parish Bible Study

November 20 - Christ the King Sunday (White) last Sunday before Advent
November 27- 1st  Sunday in Advent (Blue) - New Liturgical Year

Ministries of the parish that we cannot directly accomplish, except by our hospitable welcome to these fellowships and healing work include the following:  

                      * AA Group, weekly on Wednesdays at 7:00PM, meets in 
                         the Parish Hall.
                     * Al Anon Group weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30PM, 
                        meets in the Common Room.
                     * PEO, once a month on the first Thursday at 10AM and 
                        sometimes on the first Saturday at 8:45AM, meets in the 
                        Parish Hall.

Our Gatherings on Zoom!

St Patrick's Weekly Calendar

Sundays:  Holy Eucharist  
Join us in person for Sunday Eucharist! 10 a.m. 
Also available online by Zoom. Click here for the invite.

Tuesdays:  Morning Coffee Hour  
Let's meet over coffee! 10:00 a.m. Contact Rich Randolph for your Zoom Invitation.
Rich Randolph:

Thursdays:  Compline  
Let's share Compline on ZOOM! 4:00 p.m. Hosted by Minerva Haddad. Contact Minerva for your Zoom invite.
Minerva Haddad:

Fridays: The Men's Bible Study:
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Rich Randolph and he will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation.
Rich Randolph:

Celebration of Life for
The Rt. Rev. George Hunt
Saturday, November 12, 2022

Portrait of The Rt. Rev. George Hunt 

Permission to use artwork from artist, Raymond Finelli, and 
the Diocese of Rhode Island.

Dear St Patrick’s Family,

It is with sadness, but in the hope of the resurrection, that we share that the Rt. Rev. George Hunt, retired bishop of Rhode Island and Hawai'i, died peacefully on Sunday, October 24. He and his wife Barbara retired to the Sonoma Valley in 1996, where they became active members of St. Patrick's, Kenwood.

While Bishop of Rhode Island, Bishop Hunt fearlessly crusaded against the entrenched corruption within the state’s government. He fought organized crime and gambling. He transformed the process for ordination in the Diocese of Rhode Island and ended discrimination against candidates for ordination based on issues of gender or sexual orientation. He paved the way for his successor as Bishop of Rhode Island to be Geralyn Wolf, one of the first women to be elected as Bishop in the Episcopal Church. 
The beautiful portrait of Bishop Hunt above was done during his tenure in Rhode Island by artist, Raymond Finelli. Special thank you to Raymond Finelli and the Dioceses of Rhode Island for letting St Patrick’s publish Bishop Hunt’s portrait.

Bishop Hunt is survived by his wife Barbara, their three children, and many friends at St. Patrick's.

A memorial service will take place at St Patrick’s Episcopal Church on November 12 at 11:00 a.m. followed by a reception in Stevenson Hall.

If you will be attending by Zoom, please click here for your Zoom invite and you may also click here to download your copy of the service bulletin

For those wishing to send cards, please contact the Parish Office at 707-833-4228, ext. 1

The family set up a CaringBridge page ( and they invite you to visit George’s page for additional information.



O God, whose mercies cannot be numbered: Accept our
prayers on behalf of thy servant Bishop Hunt, and grant him an
entrance into the land of light and joy, in the fellowship of
thy saints; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth
and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now
and for ever. Amen.  
                                                                          BCP, p. 470


Blessing Bags
The October Blessing Bags were delivered to Redwood Gospel Mission and there were 30!  Thanks to everyone who helped our neighbors in need.  The next deadline is November 13.  As always, you can leave them on our porch or bring to the box in the Narthex at St. Patrick’s.  If you have questions about this program or how to prepare a Blessing Bag you may call me at (408)981-2024.   Betsy Randolph

St Paul's Concert Event!

Honoring Our Own Personal "Saints" on
All Saints' Day

 Last Sunday we gathered to honor and commemorate those people in our lives that have passed.
All Saints' Sunday was celebrated At St. Patrick's with the Rev. Canon Mary Goshert, Priest In Charge presiding, and an assembly of parishioners, both current and those who have found us once again, or for the first time.
This year parishioners contributed to a special "Ofrenda", or altar, in the tradition of Hispanic culture, to honor and fondly remember our own personal "saints"; family members, or friends, and even a pet. 
Parishioners were invited to bring photographs of loved ones to put on the alter which was in the Narthex. The response was impressive with scores of photos in ornate frames or by themselves, old and newer photos, and lists of names all intermingled with the glow from many candles and votives.
The Ofrenda was created by Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey who designed it with the help of Candace MacNair. Parishes in the Diocese had been invited by Bishop Megan Traquair to create our own versions of an Ofrena. Many people commented on how this was a lovely new (for us) tradition to incorporate into our annual observance.

May we honor our Saints, both personal and historic.

Rev. Canon Mary Goshert, Priest In Charge

Redwood Empire Food Bank Pop-Up!


The Volunteers of St Patrick's REFB food distributions are asking for financial contributions to purchase $10 Target gift cards for our clients. The gift cards, in addition to candy, will be distributed on our 3rd Tuesday distribution, December 20th. Please consider helping our St Patrick's clients by giving $10 or more in cash or check. Contributions may be given to Eleanor Albon on any Sunday. If writing a check, make it to "Eleanor Albon", and put "Target cards" on the memo line. Or send contributions to:
Eleanor Albon
135 Kentwood Lane
Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Below take a look at Eleanor's thankful note to her awesome volunteers who helped her distribute food LAST week on All Saints' Day!
Next week the team will be back to distribute food on the third Tuesday of the month.

Thank you to Pam T, Beth B, Susan S, Ned, B, Erin G, Lynn K, driver Ron, and rep Arturo.  50 households/175 individuals received food tonight at St Pat's!  

We welcome back former volunteer Natalie O'Neill!  Tonight we met her daughter, Olivia, who will also be added to our regular volunteer list!  So, all of us older folk need to know we'll have a young and strong techy amongst us!  Welcome aboard, darlin'!

Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, Nov 6, and November has a 5th Tuesday.  Both sort of put things in a "tail spin!"  But, we shall overcome!

Tuesday, Dec 20 I'd like to give candy to those clients who have children at home.   I hit the Halloween candy sales at two businesses today, got a 1/2 off bonanza and will hold them until Dec 20th!  If you can add to that, please bring candy when you come to volunteer or drop it off at St Pat's on a 1st or 3rd Tuesday.

I continue to be in awe seeing respectful "people helping people" at our distributions.  Our volunteers' gifts of love, time, energy and enthusiasm are greatly appreciated!

~ Eleanor

New Socks, Yes Please!

Greetings Friends!

Thank you to those who are putting socks in the bin in the Narthex.  They are in high demand at F.I.S.H.!  New white or dark socks are greatly appreciated. Kerin McTaggart

It's a great day, when we can help someone put their best foot forward, in a new pair of socks!!

Nomadic Shelter Success! 

Our first Nomadic Shelter of the season was last weekend on Saturday night!  We had a successful evening hosting our friends with Nomadic Shelter. Thank you so much to Betsy Randolph for organizing the volunteers to help with cooking, setting up, clean up, and more! 
We look forward to hosting again next month!

Books for Christmas for the children at
Dunbar School
From BBC-Schools

This year BBC-Schools (Becoming a Beloved Community-Schools) has decided to give every child at Dunbar School a book for the Holidays.  In the past we engaged in a Secret Santa project, but since there are other organizations that can organize Secret Santa for the larger community, we are excited about providing a book for each child at Dunbar chosen by the teachers and librarian. There are 114 children enrolled in the school. The books cost between $10 and $15 each.  The books will be wrapped and given to the children before they leave for the Holiday break. If you would like to help with this Christmas book project (any amount would be appreciated), please make a check payable to St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, noting BBC-Christmas Books in the memo line.  This is also a wonderful way to honor a relative at Christmas by making this gift to a child. 
Thank you for making a difference to our neighborhood children at Christmas and throughout the year! 
With gratitude, Laurie Boone Hogen and the BBC-Schools Team

Pumpkin Fashion Show Highlights
Gourds of Distinction

In the spirit of the season, several parishioners answered the call to bring decorated pumpkins to Stevenson Hall to add to the delight of parishioners at Fellowship.
Each table in the hall sported one of the uniquely decorated pumpkins along with the large, illuminated pumpkin that literally "lighted our way" into Stevenson Hall.
We wish to thank the "fashion designers" of the fascinating display of pumpkins. Thanks to Fr. Ed and Terry Howell, Laurie Boone-Hogen, Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey, Margaret Merchat, Ron Keith, Bernadette and Hutch Gibbs, Eleanor Albon, and Betsy Randolph.
And who was our own masked version of The Great Pumpkin, who was asking parishioners to make a contribution (candy?) to their pumpkin container? Whom, indeed!! Added to the fun!
Thanks is also is extended to Bernadette and Hutch Gibb for hosting coffee hour complete with our first taste of pumpkin pie.
Special thanks to Candace Macnair for chairing our first ever, Pumpkin Fashion Show, and bringing seasonal cheer to our parish community.

Upcoming Adult Education Opportunities 


Laurie Boone Hogen, Candace MacNair, Betsy Randolph
Members of our Adult Education Ministry

  • There was an Education Ministry meeting in October. Everyone is always welcome in the future. The minutes are below. If you have suggestions, email Laurie.
  • Sunday, November 20 during coffee hour- Boosting Your Immune system, a presentation by our own parishioner, Candace MaNair. This is a simple overview of our immune system, its components and how it works as well as how you can increase and boost your immunity and much more! Plan to join us to learn about how our immune system is a reflection of ALL parts of us:physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The Education committee is open to all who are interested. The agenda for today's meeting is below, click on the link!
The Adult Education Ministry is working hard for more courses and learning opportunities for you.  
Email Laurie Boone Hogen if you want to attend any meetings or have suggestions. 
Adult Education Meeting Minutes from October 27th

Midweek Worship and Study
In Person at St Patrick's Church

Midweek Worship and Study renews at St. Patrick's  

Holy Communion including the sacrament of Anointing for Healing will be offered at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. Bible study follows in the Common room. In our Bible study, we shall be working on the lessons to be read in the next Sunday’s worship. All are welcome – and you never know: you just may find your words of wisdom from that discussion showing up in next Sunday’s sermon! We look forward to seeing you there.

Weblink to Episcopal Diocese of Northern California Newsletter

Click the logo above to download and read the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California newsletter from November 8, 2022.

Helping Our Friends
The Fonseca Family and The Buff Family

From left to right: Ana Lucía, Luciana, and Javier
Dear Friends,
Betsy and I want to share a note of background to the link below.
In 2010 I travelled on my first of four trips to Nicaragua with Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary. Since then Betsy has served on three successive missions and our son Brett participated in 2018.  Our daughter Rebecca is a future candidate.
To say these service missions for vision and dental relief were life-changing would be an understatement. In 2010 I met Xavier, then a dentist and Public Health Doctor working for Colgate in Nicaragua.  In 2016 Betsy and I met Ana Lucia, now married to Xavier.  Ana Luci is also a dentist and Public Health Doctor.  They volunteered extensively with our missions and in 2017 their daughter Luciana was born.
In 2018 the political climate in Nicaragua became oppressive to opponents of the government like Xavier and Ana Lucia.  After deep discernment Xavier and Ana Lucia decided Luciana’s future was more secure elsewhere.  They travelled to visit us as tourists and commenced then courageous rebuilding of their lives when they realized the threat to them in Nicaragua.
On April 25 Xavier and his family were granted political asylum status.  Since then he and Ana Lucia have taken advanced courses toward their goal of licensure in the United States.  They relocated to Florida in 2021 and both are working in dental clinics while continuing to study and resume prepare for licensure as dentists.
Throughout their resettlement in Sonoma County and then in Florida, their focus, commitment to each other and Luciana has been an inspiration to Betsy and me and others who are observing this family adapt, adjust and persevere toward a life of service and stewardship of their God given talents.  
I could go on, and Betsy and I are eager to share our experience and hopes for this remarkable couple. Their story is one of hope, faith and love.  Adversity kindled it.  Commitment has sustained it.  Your support can advance it.
On November 5, Xavier and Ana Lucia have interviews at St Vincent’s Medical Center in Cleveland. A four day pre “bench test” prep course, travel and exam is $7,000 each.  The program begins in July of 2023.  This residency program has a 12 candidate cohort.  My confidence in Xavier and Ana Lucia to succeed in the two-year program is firm.  
Take this opportunity to contribute toward a fuller future and shining smiles for many. 

Please click here to visit Javier and Ana Lucía's Go Fund Me webpage

Richard and Betsy


Judy & Charlie Buff  ~ 2018      
A Meal Train has been set up for Judy, Charlie and Jenniffer Buff. Please go to the following website and see what date is available to bring a meal for the Buffs.
It’s best to call Charlie at (707) 539-2667 regarding when you would arrive and what you will bring.  The perfect time is between 6 and 7pm.  All of this plus additional information is listed under “Review All Instructions” on the app or website for those of you who are interested and able to bring a meal.  In addition, Charlie really appreciates your prayers.  If you wish to send a card, their address is also in the app/ website. Thank you.

You may ask... What is Meal Train? 
There are times in our lives when friends and family ask, "What can I do to help out?" The answer is usually to help them with a meal. When many friends provide support through a meal, Meal Train keeps everyone organized. is afree meal calendar tool that makes planning meals among a wide group easy and less stressful.

Thank you to All who have already signed up and to those who have been brining meals.


Richard Rohr
Daily Meditation




Our Collective Wisdom



Thursday, November 10, 2022

Click Here for more Richard Rohr Daily Meditations

Closing Prayer

Eternal Lord God you hold all should in life: Give your whole church in paradise and on earth your light and your peace and grant that we following the good examples of those who have served you here and are now at rest may at last enter with them into your unending joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God now and forever. Amen.


Please Support Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church Ministry

Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.

Thank you!!!


If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.





Contact Information:

The Rev. Canon Mary Goshert, Priest In Charge
Phone: 707-747-5653

The Very Rev. Ed, Assisting Priest In Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452
2022  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

Our Mailing Address: 

PO Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452

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