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Your prayers are working!

If for some reason you missed our last prayer letter, here is the link to our video summary of the results at the conference in Bogota, Colombia.

In the weeks following the conference, partners from 16 countries began replicating the training for key couples in their countries. The news of these trainings has poured in, overwhelming our abilities to respond and encourage these amazing couples who are impassioned to reach their communities with the Gospel. The results from the conference in Colombia are too many to list, so here are a few highlights.

Thank you for praying for this event! Your partnership is essential in enabling us to remain on the front lines of God’s redeeming entire families to Himself.

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About 40 couples (25% of those who attended the conference in Bogotá) had been so discouraged and beaten down by the severity of both the COVID deaths and lockdowns, that they had come to the conference as a “last hurrah” before withdrawing from the ministry. But God stirred their souls and resurrected their passion for blessing marriages and families in the grace of God, so much so that they are returning to their countries to launch into action!

Pray for these couples to be strengthened in God’s Word and grace to be a blessing to many!

FamilyLife Blended

Three blended families launched the FamilyLife Blended Latin America Team.

  • Colombia: Carlos and Sofy Alfonso

  • Panama: The Licona-Johnson family

  • Ecuador: Santiago Palacios and Helem Oleas

Their first project is to develop a micro-learning course around the 32 FamilyLife Blended video vignettes (from The Art of Parenting).

You can find the Spanish FamilyLife Blended resources here.

You can also find the English FamilyLife Blended resources here.


FamilyLife partners, Sebastián and Úrsula Díaz were invited to speak at a large provincial governor's event in La Rioja, Argentina. The organizers gave them the green light to present the ministry of FamilyLife and printed 3,000 FamilyLife fliers for the attendees.

The Congressional Chamber decreed that hearing from FamilyLife at this event was a cultural imperative. Sebastián addressed the governor and vice-governess and prayed for them.


Jill Patterson in Spain is celebrating Spain's first printing of the AOP.

Jill Patterson is celebrating Spain's first printing of FamilyLife’s The Art of Parenting.

You have prayed. You have given. God is blessing. And we are so grateful! Our basic monthly need is nearly met and we are now trusting God to build up a $7,000 emergency buffer.
