


A Hero for Our Time

Walter Moss: A Review of “Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace.” How much more heroic he was than the so-called present-day super-heroes of comics or films.


Why Are Swifties Joining the Anti-Monopoly Movement?

Bella De Vaan: Taylor Swift fans had their time wasted and pockets emptied by Ticketmaster. Now they're calling to break up the company's live events monopoly—and joining the movement to crack down on monopolies, period.

“No More American Thanksgivings” and Other Essays

Roger D. Harris: Glen Ford was one of the foremost critics of “black faces in high places,” who sell out the interests of their constituents for petty fame and privileges.

From Tiktok to Tosca

Ed Rampell: Those in the TikTok generation and others who consider opera to be a stuffy, bourgeois art form should consider the plot of Tosca, which could be proverbially ripped from today’s headlines.

If I Forget the Holocaust

Eric A. Gordon: If I Forget is a mordantly funny tale about a Jewish family and an American culture at odds with itself, which makes the battle of ideas all the more powerful.
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