ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy
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i Jugut
Lajmet e ESO-s
30 Nëntor 2022

Earlier this year, the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) was alerted after an unusual source of visible light had been detected by a survey telescope. The VLT, together with other telescopes, was swiftly repositioned towards the source: a supermassive black hole in a distant galaxy that had devoured a star, expelling the leftovers in a jet. The VLT determined it to be the furthest example of such an event to have ever been observed. Because the jet is pointing almost towards us, this is also the first time it has been discovered with visible light, providing a new way of detecting these extreme events.

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The ESO Department of Communication
30 Nëntor 2022

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Observatori Evropian i Jugut, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany