
Strategic planning: align your brand.

With a month left until 2023, it’s peak season for strategic planning. But what is a strat plan for? You can’t clean water with it. It doesn’t cure illness. Nor does it educate a child. It’s words on a page. Otherwise known as communications. A strategic plan is a comms tool that aligns your team, priorities, and rhythms around your brand. That’s it. If your theory of change is the why and what; your strat plan is the how.

374 free resources for marketing.

Time is money. And there’s no shame in using what’s already been figured out. Because while brand strategy is psychology and branding is art, marcom is a science that requires lots of experimentation. Browse through this largest collection of free templates for marketing. From content strategy to social media, marketing plans to product launches. Formats include Google Suite, Microsoft, Miro, Trello, and more.


The urgency of early years education.

90% of a child’s brain has developed by age five. In Ghana, just 1 in 50 students attain the desired literacy standards after the first four years of education. So we’re honored to continue our engagement with Sabre Education. After a successful Total Brand Diagnostic, we’re starting a full breadth of brand strategy work. The vision? Helping all children succeed, by giving them the best possible early education.


Brand storytelling for social enterprise.

The best story wins. It’s not about the best product or program. Organizations that tell good stories rise to the top. Drawing insights from our talk at the BUILD Conference, Acumen Academy published a robust guide that walks you through the intersection of branding and storytelling. Featuring insights from Mighty Ally, check out the six steps to build your social impact brand, plus six story formats to spread it.



The average human attention span is just eight seconds – shorter than a fish. People might give you a few minutes of time, but not a few minutes of actual listening. So if you communicate your main points clearly and then stop talking, you’ll do better than most. Conversations are where you win. Not presentations.
We guide nonprofits and social enterprises to position their brands, clarify messaging, and reach new audiences. So they drive more income and impact.

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