December 5, 2022  |  Vol. 4 No. 49


C2P - Weekly Parish Newsletter 
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Don't forget to share the C2P with your key team members.
And encourage them sign up! Click here

God speaks to us, but do we listen? 

“Be silent and know that I am your God.” Take some time during this second week of Advent for silence to listen to what God is saying to you through the gifts of Scripture, prayer and silence. Click here for this week's video reflection by Father Justin Ryan, Director of Vocations. Don’t forget to include the link to the archdiocese’s Advent page, Click here for the communication plan and all Advent assets.


Human Resources

Important updates on new state requirements

Click here to read the memo from HR.

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry survey

Please take a moment to provide us with an update of youth ministry programming and activities at your parish (this includes young adult groups).
If you currently do NOT offer youth ministry programming, please fill out this brief survey. If you offer youth ministry programming or activities geared specifically toward youth or young adults, this short survey should be filled out by your parish's youth minister.

Northwest Catholic

Northwest Catholic - New issue!

Read about the student who won our cover art contest and check out these articles in the December 2022/January 2023 issue of Northwest Catholic:
• Ministering on the margins
• Jesus, the ultimate gift
• Supporting farmworker families
Click here

Northwest Catholic classifieds

Hiring? Use the Northwest Catholic classifieds. Next posting date is Thursday, December 7. Ads are due by 5pm, Wednesday, December 6. Click here to submit your ad.

Marriage & Family Life

Prepare in Silence

The gift of silence is increasingly hard to find these days. Take 15 minutes of silence with your family to rest with the Lord. Click here for this week's Scripture readings, prayers and reflections. 

Annual Campaigns team

ACA year-end payments and donations

We encourage you to put the attached article in your bulletin and on your website to educate your parishioners on how to maximize their gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Click here

Stewardship & Development

Christmas and end-of-year giving 

Click here for tips and suggestions including one- and two-page flyers.

National/Mission collection reminder 

Please note that when you send in your remittance for any one of the National and Mission collections, please cut one check per collection. The accounting team processes mission and special collection checks differently, plus it helps clarify the destination of the check.

Vicar for Clergy

Permanent diaconate information sessions 

December 10 at Sacred Heart, Bellingham
January 14 at St. John of the Woods, Tacoma
January 21 at St. Joseph, Vancouver
All sessions begin at 11am. Learn more  |  Promotional assets in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Swahili

Vicar for Clergy

High School discernment retreat for juniors and seniors

December 1719 from 10am–5pm |  Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
Prepare your heart for Christmas. This retreat will have extended periods of silence for prayer and reflection, talks on prayer and discernment, and opportunities to connect with other high schoolers seeking to go deeper in their relationship with the Lord. Learn more and register  |  Promotional asset
For more events, click here
This information was presented in past C2Ps. 

Catholic Community Services & Catholic Housing Services

December 2022 Appeal for the Poor

Parishes can run this campaign anytime in December
Thank you for partnering with Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services as we “light a pathway to hope” for tens of thousands of Western Washington neighbors in need. Click here for campaign toolkit with assets in English and Spanish. Donations can be made at


Watch “The Chair” video 

The Archdiocese of Seattle was featured in a new video series called “The Chair,” celebrating cathedrals, bishops and dioceses throughout the United States. It's free to watch but does require creating a free account to access the Seattle episode and others. Go to  | Promotional assets

Faith Formation

Faith Formation December newsletter

English and Spanish

Parish Financial Services

Year-end stock donations

Remind parishioners if they want to make year-end stock donations, to initiate them now. It takes several business days for companies to transfer stocks and the holidays add more time.

Parishioner Engagement

ParishStaq – Update & Who’s Who?

Update on PushPay purchase and sale. Who’s Who during your implementation. Next monthly check-in is December 14 at noon. Learn more
EVENTS reminder
This information was presented in past C2Ps. 

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

Advent Silent Retreat: Be Strong. Fear not.

December 9-11 | Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
Learn more  |  Promotional asset

Multicultural Ministries

Simbang Gabi – 25th Annual Commissioning Mass  

December 10 at 11am  |   St. James Cathedral 
Learn More  |  Promotional assets 

Faith Formation

Catechetical Certification Program: Foundations of our Catholic Faith

3 new English-language cohorts are starting in January
Tuesday, January 3: Sacred Heart, Battle Ground 
Saturday, January 14: North Seattle St. Benedict/St. Catherine (alternating) 
Thursday, January 12: Online
Learn more about CCP  |  Promotional assets


Master of Ceremonies for Episcopal liturgies

January 14 from 9:20 am to 12 pm | Holy Rosary School Hall, Seattle
Learn more  |  Flyer

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

Shakespeare Retreat – Henry V: A Profile in Leadership

January 27-29 | Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center.
Learn more  |  Promotional asset

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center

14 Rules for Ignatian Discernment

March 24-26  | Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center.
Learn more  |  Promotional asset
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