
A Growing Witness to

The University at Buffalo

"I think joining GCF (Graduate Christian Fellowship) and reading about Jesus was the best decision I made since I got here," Arnab shared a few weeks ago at one of our Tuesday night GCF Bible studies.

Arnab isn't a Christian. He has never read the Bible until this semester. He had no idea who Jesus is and what Jesus is about, but Arnab is curious, loves the GCF community and he loves what he is discovering about who Jesus is. 

In fact, Arnab has been so excited about this community and about what he has been learning about Jesus that he regularly brings new non-Christian students to GCF each week. As a result, GCF has tripled in size since the start of the fall semester. Arnab is one of our most missional students. 

Jesus is clearly at work in Arnab and he is using Arnab, who isn't yet a Christian, to reach his peers. 

I am so thankful to God for students, like Arnab, who are falling in love with Jesus for the first time.

I am so thankful to God for partners like you who are making this ministry to students like Arnab possible. 

On every campus in Upstate NY where there are graduate students, there are students like Arnab who, if given the opportunity, will joyfully consider (and Lord willing, discover) who Jesus is. 

Year-End Matching Grant 

As we look to plant witness communities who will bring the gospel to students like Arnab, would you prayerfully consider a year-end gift? Two generous ministry partners have committed to match every new pledge up to $6,000 by the end of the year. 

Your support will help me: 

  1. Continue to staff and resource ministry at the University at Buffalo
  2. Continue planting unreached campuses, like Syracuse University
  3. Provide encouragement and supervision to the Upstate NY GFM staff team
  4. Hire and develop a healthy, diverse and inclusive staff team
To reach this match of $6,000, I am looking for 
  • Four partners to begin giving or increase their current giving by $50/month (or give a one-time gift of $600)
  • Three partners to begin giving or increase their current giving by $100/month (or give a one-time gift of $1,200)
Give Here Toward the Matching Grant
I am so excited to share that Sarah has taken a position with InterVarsity as Field Operations Director for Don Paul Gross, Director of GFM's South Central Region. She spends a lot of her time these days doing time zone math. Mostly correctly.

In other news, the Sullivans are learning how to play the piano (minus the one Sullivan who already knows how to play and really needs to play more...). It has been a fun adventure with much clanging noises, missed notes and blunders. But occasionally, we get it right. And isn't that how life is? 
Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial partnership to reach every corner of every campus in Upstate NY. 


P.S. Back in September I visited Syracuse University and the Lord allowed that single trip accomplish more than I had even hoped. I'm looking forward to telling you about it soon. Stay tuned. 
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