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Dear HOPE Members,

Thank you for your service with HOPE Animal-Assisted Crisis Response (HOPE) In the moments after a crisis or disaster, you are a trusted resource of comfort and care. As team leaders and canine teams, your gentle, calm manner helps others feel safe and valued. 

The need is great, and our reach is wide. This year HOPE teams crisscrossed the country in response to individuals and communities. HOPE teams are strands of care that when woven together make a beautiful tapestry to blanket those in need. 

On this Giving Tuesday, if you are looking to make a non-profit charitable donation, please consider HOPE. 
Your tax-deductible donation will go directly to support our teams and the costs associated with training, certification, and deployment.

To donate:

Thank you for your HOPE-filled service and for your consideration.

Connie Redmond
On Behalf of the Board

VISION:  HOPE is dedicated to deploying, upon request, certified working canine teams trained to provide support to every person affected by stress and trauma in order to live a healthier, more balanced life.

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HOPE AACR · 1292 High St # 182 · Hope Aacr · Eugene, OR 97401-3238 · USA