Providing housing for all people in Maine wouldn't be possible without you! Thank you for supporting MAHC.
Cumberland County ARPA Funding for Affordable Rental Housing
The County will establish the following grant program: Cumberland County Affordable Rental Housing Program
To submit an application, please read the guide. The application will be live in our Neighborly Portal within a few weeks. Please click here to be on our emailing list. Program will remain open until funds are fully expended.
Beginning a Development Relationship with MaineHousing
Wed, Nov 30, 11:30 am - 1 pm, Portland Elks Club: DevelopME Lunch & Learn.
MaineHousing Senior Director of Finance and Lending, Adam Krea, and Director of Development, Mark Wiesendanger, will discuss new programs at MaineHousing that may be of interest to developers curious about working in the affordable housing field. These programs have proven successful with new development partners due to less stringent funding sources, small project sizes, and more overall flexibility. Join them in a conversation about these new programs as well as planned technical assistance resources for newer developers – all with an eye towards creating new relationships and partnerships to help reduce Maine’s housing shortage. Get Tickets
If you missed it....Housing Policy Conference Summary
Thank you to all our sponsors, speakers, award winners, volunteers, exhibitors and membership who made this very successful event possible.
Nearly 300 leaders in the housing, development, engineering, construction, finance, advocacy, and legislative fields gathered to discuss the housing crisis in Maine and policy solutions.
Victoria Morales Receives Elizabeth "Libby" Mitchell Award at MAHC Housing Policy Conference
MAHC's Elizabeth H. Mitchell Award is given to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in addressing Maine’s affordable housing problems. It was first awarded in 2009 to Senate President Elizabeth “Libby” Mitchell, in recognition of her many years of commitment to housing issues, both as a director of Maine State Housing Authority and in her role as a state legislator.
In subsequent years, the award has been given to Representative Ryan Fecteau, House Speaker Hannah Pingree, Senator Chris Rector, Representative Andre Cushing, MaineHousing chairman Peter Anastos, Representative Peggy Rotundo, House Speaker Mark Eves, Senator Amy Volk, Senator Roger Katz, Representative Jared Golden and Governor Janet Mills.
The honoree for the 2022 award was chosen after nominations from MAHC membership, and a vote by the MAHC board. The 2022 award was given to executive director of the Quality Housing Coalition and former state representative, Victoria Morales. MAHC honored Victoria Morales to mark her outstanding leadership in the Maine legislature bringing attention to housing issues, launching the Housing Caucus, and forming the Quality Housing Coalition, a nonprofit connecting people to housing and advocating to support housing people in the Portland region.
Dana Totman Receives MAHC Rickmond K. McCarthy Award
Rick McCarthy served as MAHC’s lobbyist for over a decade, helping the Coalition navigate a wide array of state legislative work. Rick was an extraordinary advocate for housing, not just because he was well-informed and hard-working, but also because he was universally trusted across party lines. He had a kind and respectful demeanor that, together with his intelligence and strategic thinking, paved the way for his success.
In spring 2020, when Rick McCarthy passed away after battling cancer, MAHC’s Board of Directors announced the creation of the Rickmond K. McCarthy Housing Justice Award, to be presented to those individuals whose service to the state emulate Rick’s compassionate and congenial work, undertaken to help ensure that all Mainers have a safe and affordable place to call home.
Dana Totman, like Rick, has been a tireless advocate for safe and affordable housing for decades. He served as President and CEO of Avesta Housing for over 22 years and played an integral role in the formation and growth of the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition. He’s provided support and leadership for numerous campaigns to create statewide affordable housing bonds.
Dana has conducted his advocacy much the way Rick did, with kindness and respect and a focus on helping make people’s lives better. Thousands of Mainers are better off as a result of this work. And so, as a continued tribute to Rick, and in appreciation for all of Dana’s work, the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition is pleased to present Dana Totman with the Rickmond K. McCarthy Housing Justice Award. We are enormously grateful to Dana for his many years of service to Maine people and communities.