Volume 17, Issue 4 | December 2022
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Top Song on the MEL: “Take a Walk” by Judah and the Lion

Judah and the Lion members Judah Akers and Brian Macdonald love creating music that makes their listeners feel something. After “Take a Walk” was released, Judah and the Lion explained, “It feels like the right time for us to reclaim some of the joy that can be hard to come by these days. We don’t want to be positive just for the sake of being positive, we’ve seen our fair share of pain, and we hope that comes across in our music and lyrics too. ‘Take a Walk’ represents both sides: pure fun and excitement alongside the reality of life being really hard.”

This song acknowledges that pain and heartache do exist, but there is hope on the horizon. Even when moments seem unbearable sometimes, we can look toward the future with great anticipation. May we be reminded of the sweet blessings that God has given us and find peace and rest in His beautiful promises.


The Figure(d) It Out Podcast Hits 100 Recorded Episodes

Hosts Natasha Chernyavsky and Emma Erickson graduated from Northwestern in 2020 with communication degrees. They began The "Figure(d) It Out" podcast in the Winter of 2021, which is geared toward young adults looking for life's answers. 
Take a listen to their podcast and read more about their journey on
Note from the Faculty

Value your Relational Gifts! 


Sometimes in my public speaking class I ask my students to give an impromptu speech on the best gift they have ever received. I am amazed as students often go back to express the joy that a seemingly simple or even an inexpensive gift has given them. Memories come to their minds often years after the gift was received. They take joy in remembering the special toy, book, or experience that they value.


During these days of gift giving, take time to value the relational gifts that are already in your life.


Value your classmates.

Ask college graduates who have been out of school for years who their best friends are. You will likely have a great majority of responses that say that their good friends are the people with whom they attended classes. The shared experiences of exploring, discovering, learning, and support are not easily forgotten. I find that my best friends are mostly people that I developed relationships with during my college years.

Cherish and nurture the relationships with positive people who are now in your life. God has brought these people into your life for a reason. Take some risks and get to know someone new. Give God as say in reaching out to cultivate meaningful opportunities to grow together, to encourage one another, to challenge one another. Often group projects and shared classes provide meaningful friendships. You will look back on these friendships as gift.


Value your professors.

You might not initially realize it but as your professors we want you to thrive and flourish and go beyond your greatest dreams. Develop relationships with your faculty. Share your dreams, ask advice, accept suggestions. It is a joy to develop lifelong ties with my students: to attend their weddings, to celebrate their successes, to provide references and career advice, to use their professional expertise.

My valued financial advisor is a former student from a freshman public speaking class that I taught decades ago. I appreciate several former students who serve in pastoral roles in the church that I attend. I love the connections of students who serve in professional roles as attorneys, professors, medical personnel, as well as other fields that I have contact with frequently. Get to know us. These relationships do not end when one graduates. We value you.


Value your Saviour.

In the busyness if this season, it is easy to take for granted our valued relationship with our Lord and Saviour. Christ is the reason for the season, but we get busy and distracted with the demands of finishing up the semester with its projects, papers, and tests. The gift that our Lord values is our praise and thanksgiving. Recall what He has done for you. Rejoice about the relationships that He has brought into your life. Remember His goodness to you.

The only earthly possessions that we will enjoy in Heaven are those relationships that we share here on earth with our Christian friends and family. Value your relationships. They are God’s gift to you. Blessed Christmas!!!

-Dr. Jackie Glenny

Upcoming Dates

December 2
President Hoornbeek's Inauguration

December 2-4 
Christmas at Northwestern

December 5
Xi Xi Induction Ceremony

December 6-10
A Christmas Carol 

December 12-15
Finals Week 

December 16

December 19-January 9
Christmas Break 

Featured Student
Shelby Greven ('25)
Communication Studies
What are your plans for the future?

I plan to graduate from UNW with my communications degree, settle into a career path, then go to Law school to study criminal justice to hopefully become a lawyer.

What opportunities have you had at UNW?

I have had the opportunity to have a great flexible job here on campus, meet a diverse group of people, and have already felt challenged in my classes. 

What is your favorite thing about UNW?

My favorite thing about UNW is campus life. There is always something going on and I love to just walk around campus here because it just so beautiful. 
Featured Alumni
Kristina Winger ('21)
Communication Studies

Where has life taken you after UNW?

After graduation, I spent four months attending a Bible School in England, where I got to travel as well as study the Old Testament in-depth. While I was overseas, I applied for and was offered a position on the Audience Engagement Team at 98.5 KTIS. I interned at KTIS during my last year at UNW and had decided this position was my dream job: and now, almost a year later, I can confidently say that it is still my dream job!

What advice would you give current students at UNW?

Get an internship! Or two!! Especially if you're not sure what you want to do after you graduate. Regardless of whether your degree requires it or not, internships are a GREAT way to gain valuable experience and skills that will help you as you start your career. Internships are the best way that I networked while in college, and they can often lead to job opportunities and help you decide exactly what you want (or definitely don't want) to pursue after graduation.

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