
Tuesday 22 November 2022 |  View in your browser
Online gambling promotion in Australia

The list of submissions to the House of Representatives' Inquiry into Online Gambling now exceeds 100.  As expected, Sportsbet (p5, sub 81) and the AANA (p2, sub 21) have lined up to tell us what a good job they are doing and could do.  Many other individuals (with compelling personal stories) and organisations (with a strong research base) have a very different view. The latter groups are very concerned about the exposure of children and young people to betting promotion everywhere, via screen ads and via simulated gambling behaviour in their games and apps.  See Australian Gaming and Screens Alliance (p3, sub 53); CQU’s Experimental Gambling Research Lab (p2, sub 24) and the Australian Gambling Research Centre (p4, sub 76).  CMA’s submission can be found here. Public hearings are in Canberra on 23 and 30 November.  
Mobile phones in schools: the battles go on

Clash over mobile phones in schools in
Northern Territory

and in Rochester, New York USA.

More evidence about the impact of media violence

Canadian researchers investigated impacts of media violence on preschoolers and found that when young children watch violent television it can raise the risk of psychological and academic harm later.  The full report can be found here.

Meanwhile in Australia Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is launched.  CoD: MW 2 is classified MA15+ in Australia for strong violence, online interactivity and in-game purchases.  It is reported that:

Violence features throughout the majority of gameplay, using firearms that include automatic weapons, as well as blades and other objects. Blood effects are frequent and occasionally seen in close-up. Some finisher moves feature more graphic examples of blood and injury detail.

Netflix with ads arrives

For $6.99 per month Netflix’s new low tier has ads – it also only supports the lowest resolution playback and doesn’t include the full Netflix programming suite because of rights issues. Commentators say that for most existing customers it won’t make a difference, as you have to register as a new user for the lower subscription,

Canada and the ABC sign MOU

The ABC and CBC have renewed their MOU to continue co-developing dramas, comedies, factual content, children’s programs, and podcasts. Pre-school series My Shadow is Pink and tween title The Eerie Chapters of Chhaya have been given co-production development deals.

ACCC release its next Digital Platforms Inquiry report

On 11 November the ACCC released the fifth interim report for the Digital Platform Services inquiry. The report considers competition and consumer issues identified in the course of the Digital Platform Services Inquiry, the ACCC’s Digital Advertising Services Inquiry and the original Digital Platforms Inquiry.

Peoples Choice Lottery
Here’s where to buy tickets to support CMA in the People’s Choice Lottery. 100% of your ticket purchase goes to CMA.

Early Bird prize 
Plus, if you purchase your tickets before 11.59pm ACDT on 24 November 2022 you will also go into the Early Bird prize draw for a chance to win a Toyota Corolla Ascent Sport Hybrid (valued at $31,762 RRP) thanks to Platinum Partner CMI Toyota!  Prize list.
Australian loot boxes research review released

This research looks at the literature from the last 10 years, evaluating evidence of harms associated with simulated gambling, loot boxes and other in-game purchases in video games, and examines the discourse in the literature regarding mitigation responses.
Advertising and young people’s understanding

This UK literature research shows that the attitudes of young people were influenced by advertising. Critical reasoning abilities did not appear to be fully developed during adolescence and not found to be protective against the impact of advertising. Policymakers should ensure regulations to restrict marketing of unhealthy commodities protects adolescents as well as younger children.
What happens if you lodge a complaint with Ad Standards?

This describes the process of what happens when a complaint is made.
Kids screen time and lowering it

The use of screens rose during Covid-19 but here are some tips for the whole family to bring it back down.
What’s coming up in the school holidays?

Check out CMA’s
School holiday page.

Mia and Me – The Hero of Centopia (PG) is a part live action, part animation, fantasy adventure. The predictable plot with positive messages about destiny and finding the strength within will appeal to young children but due to the themes and violence, the film is suitable for all but the youngest viewers.

Whina (PG) is the heartfelt, biographical story of the life of Dame Whina Cooper. The film features fabulous performances set against the beautiful backdrop of striking New Zealand countryside and contains powerful messages about courage, determination and composure in the face of overwhelming obstacles and opposition. The film will be most enjoyed by older, mature audiences.

Hocus Pocus 2 (PG) shines a light on the earlier years of the Sandersons and shows the depths of sisterly devotion. It will be best enjoyed by tweens, teens and fans of the original film.

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