

Holiday Season ~ Mid-December 2022

Here's what you'll find in this edition:

  • Experience the Holidays with Natural Elements - Using the 5 Senses with Ayurveda!

  • My annual Clearing & Intention Setting Ritual

  • A sneak peek at the behind-the-scenes of my own book editing

  • And, of course ~ Yoga & Recipes

An important quick note before you dive in.

- As you may know from my last few newsletters, I had recently opened a Patreon account and was busily adding exclusive content and video there while editing my up-coming self-help book. The experience over on Patreon was both inspiring and informative. In my view it was a successful launch. And, I am incredibly grateful to those wonderful friends who showed up and cheered me and the success of my book on. (You know who you are ~xoxoxo) A BIG thank you!

Now moving forward, I have come to realize is that it’s a better use of my effort and focus, to put all my behind-the-scenes video, and some of the editing shares into my website. So, I will be deactivating the Patreon account for now

- My website will be where I will direct my readers and supporters. This is also where you will be able to find my love-up newsletters, podcasts, blogs and other goodies. Here is my website in case you want to check it out right now,

Thank you for being so amazingly flexible, and for cheering me onward to the success of my book, my yoga teaching, and all the other shenanigans that I get up to.

Much Love to you. And now let’s dive into this juicy Newsletter…

xo ~ Heather

Use your Sense (Scents?) This Holiday Season ~ Experience Your 5 Senses!

We were gifted with five (or more) senses – Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch and Sound. Slowing down a little can help us take notice of the simpler details and experience them. We can begin to savour each of these senses. As we bring a more mindful approach to how we use our senses, we can set the tone for a richly memorable and more easeful experience.

The Sense of Smell

This is one of our most unique senses. A smell can transport us back in time to earlier memories with just one whiff. Smells can bring happy memories and a smile to our faces as we reminisce.
You can recreate or even make your own new connections through the sense of smell with essential oils, cooking foods and fresh-cut conifers, herbs, or ground spices.

Here are a few ways to infuse some wonderful fragrances to make your holiday home a lovely sanctuary:

  • Simmer some apple slices with cinnamon on the stove top. Or try some cloves and orange peel with a dash of vanilla in the simmering pot. The smell of orange is uplifting, vanilla is warming, and the cloves give the blend a spicy note.

  • Make your own room deodorizer spray. Using a small spritzer bottle, distilled water (tap water will do in a pinch) and a few essential oils like; cinnamon, sweet orange, and lavender. Pour a few drops of each essential oil into the spritzer bottle, add water to top up and shake. That’s it – you can now enjoy a lovely fresh fragrance that is sure to help lift your spirits! And bonus – this spritzer can double as a cleaner to wipe the countertops and kitchen sink. Leaving a fresh smell and a cleaned surface.

  • Enjoy the smell of Evergreens. Ever notice that a walk in an Evergreen Forest can improve your mood and help relieve stress? Many species of pine, balsam, and spruce release natural chemical compounds into the air. Their fragrance is uplifting and soothing. Get outdoors to clear your head with some fresh air and the healing effects of Nature. On your way, pick cedar, pine, balsam, or spruce boughs. You can use these to create a fragrant green swag to decorate the stair railing or tuck fresh-cut branches into vases and flower displays. If you don’t live near the forest but would like that fresh smell of evergreen trees indoors there are some lovely essential oils that you can use like, balsam, spruce, pine and scotch pine. Use these in a diffuser to mist the air and create the feel of your own indoor woodland forest.

The Sense of Taste

Skip the hot chocolate this season. Here’s a recipe for a delicious and healthy warm drink called Golden Milk – it’s spicy and sweet like a chai latte’ but without the caffeine or sugar.

Golden Milk

Golden Milk Recipe – whisk 1 cup of almond, rice, or light coconut milk with; ½ tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp ground turmeric, ¼ tsp ginger, ½ tsp coconut oil or ghee (clarified butter), a few black peppercorns and 1 cup of water in a pan on the stove. Bring to a low boil and then reduce heat to simmer for a few minutes while stirring. Allow standing for a few minutes to cool then stir in 1 to 2 tsp honey for sweetening. Serve and enjoy any time of day – but this is especially nice when winding down in the evening. For a fun Holiday twist on that Golden Milk – try adding a sprig of fresh mint and a twist of orange to the side of your mug!

Bright foods heighten the senses of sight & taste. Beets, carrots, roasted red, yellow, or orange bell peppers bring bright colours to the table. Serve pumpkin or squash soups. Add pomegranate seeds to a colourful green salad then drizzle with a gorgeous avocado green dressing. Top with orange slices and toasted nuts like pecans or walnuts. Get creative!

The Sense of Touch

Take care of your skin & relieve stress. Our skin is our body’s first line of defence. It works hard for us protecting our bodies from the cool dry winter air. And yet our skin also allows us the sense of touch – connection, care and even healing. Here’s an Ayurvedic tip – don’t smother your dry winter skin in store-bought chemical-laden creams. The toxins in those creams can end up in your body and show up like a toxic build-up in your liver. Which can cause all kinds of health issues? Instead indulge in the sense of touch by massaging your body with healthy oils like sunflower, coconut, and almond oil. Enjoy the feeling of smoothing the oil on to your skin and kneading it in deeper to connect with the muscles and tissues below the skin’s surface. Self-massage is a sensory treat you can use daily to relieve tension in the hands, feet, and stiff muscles throughout your whole body.

  • Here are a few yummy massage oil blends you can gift to others or use yourself:
    Blend coconut oil or sunflower oil with a few drops of orange & rosemary essential oil for an invigorating mood lifter.
    Try lavender and vanilla for a calming and sweet blend.

The Sense of Sight

Give your eyes a rest. Pamper them instead. Put down your cell phone. Turn off your electronic devices a little earlier each evening. Use soft lighting. Take note of any signals that indicate that your eyes are tired. Pamper your eyes by softly massaging sunflower oil around the eye socket, cheekbones, and brow. Add a drop of relaxing lavender oil to your sunflower oil and blend in the palm of your hands. This will warm the oils and feel lovely as you massage around the eyes.

The Sense of Hearing

Your ears are sensitive. If something feels too loud you need to honour that and turn down the volume. Limit the amount of negative, harsh, or dramatic television programs or radio broadcasts you listen to. Turn off the news! Choose soothing music without harsh effects or course language – if you live near the woods try to listen to the sound of birds in the trees or the wind rustling through the treetops. Our ears can be sensitive to cold air – cover your ears when outdoors to keep the wind out of the ear canal and protect yourself from the pain of an earache.

Ayurvedic tips:

  • For soothing ears that are dry and itchy – place a few drops of warm sesame oil (not the toasted variety) on the tips of your pinky fingers and massage the oil gently into the outer ear canal.

  • Do your ears need some extra nurturing? Dip 2 cotton balls in sesame oil (plain – not toasted oil) and place the oil dipped side of the cotton ball in each ear before bed. This will nurture the ear canal and muffle exterior sound as well which may help you have a more effective sleep.

I hope these tips spark more wonderful ideas for you. I’d love to hear your delicious tips too. Leave a note in the comment section below to share your recipes and help spread the love!

My Annual

Clearing & Intention Setting Ritual

Reviewing, Clearing and Letting Go...

I just want to put this out there, you don’t have to wait until the New Year to
start working with your resolutions, intentions, or new goals - there's no such thing as "too early (or late) to start". In fact, starting early might even help you get a more clear perspective on the changes you want to bring in for 2023.

Here are a few tips that I like to use for this,

Start with a positive attitude – We can choose to view this time as an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. To start fresh. Leave behind all the stuff that no longer serves you. And a time to make a fresh plan for your dreams and goals to unfold...

You can bring even more awareness to this process by reflecting over the past year. As you look back, try to see both the highlights and the pitfalls that you’ve experienced and risen above. Try not to judge or be harsh on yourself for any of the difficult stuff. Acknowledge any accomplishments. Nothing is too small. Don’t hold back on giving yourself credit It's time to reflect on the past and recognize your achievements in your work, personal or spiritual growth, and in any of the other areas in which you showed up and did your best. And even if you feel like you didn't do your best - make peace with that now... It’s okay. Time to give yourself a break and let it go. To start anew.

Grab your pen and paper - Write your accomplishments and experiences down. It’s more effective to physically write it out rather than type on a computer. The reason for this is that when handwriting uses a part of the brain that is linked with deeper levels of creativity. It slows us down similar to meditation and gives us more pause for reflection. Write out as many things as you can remember.
Be generous, compassionate, loving and kind with yourself about your year.

Next - Bless your experiences and set them free. Symbolically let go of what no longer serves you. One option is to set your past free by burning your list and releasing it into the fire. Allow the smoke to carry your past away. Bless your experiences and set them free... no judgement, allow forgiveness to yourself for anything that is holding you back.

Alternatively, you can shred your list and toss in the compost. Allowing it to return to the Earth, where it will be broken down and turn into fertile soil. In this way, "Your past becomes the fodder for who you’ll become tomorrow".

When we make time to honour and let go of our past, it becomes easier to move forward. Leaving room for new beginnings to unfold.

~ Time to Shake It Off ~

Do the Shakti shake! Now that you’re ready to release the year behind you, stand up and literally move and shake it off. I teach this in yoga classes…

Stand with feet hips distance apart. Begin by shaking out the hands, then wrists, elbows and then shoulders. Add in the hips and knees. Wiggle throughout the waist and all over your body. Shake like no one’s watching. Really move it. Then stop for a few full body releasing breaths. Inhale the shoulders up to the ears - Exhale and let them drop. Repeat the full breaths a few times and then pause for a few gentle quiet breaths as you close your eyes. Place your hands over your heart center and notice the rise and fall of the breath in your chest. Become aware of your breath, your heartbeat, your pulse. Simply BE in the energy of letting go for a few more moments.

Good Bye 2022.

Set Your Intentions

Begin to plan for the person whom you truly desire to be in 2023

Who do you desire to be in 2023? Is that person Healthier, Happier, or more successful than you currently are?
What does the future vision of you look like?

Explore the potentials - Be expansive - go for it.
Get as clear as possible about what this new you might look like - the biggest hints will be in the ways your old-self wasn't content with.
As an example, if you weren't happy with eating unhealthy foods or binge drinking on the weekends - Ask the deeper question of - WHY?
Why did that bother you? What did it prevent you from doing, feeling, being?
Did it stand in the way of you becoming who you really want to be?

If yes, then THAT is a strong place to focus on. Use your power of creativity - Envision yourself feeling healthier, eating cleaner, feeling more at ease and joyful.

List the positive changes would you like to cultivate in your future self. Jot them down with pen and ink. Get these dreams and hopes on paper.

Next, ask yourself, what small step can you implement right now to start to make that happen? Jot these dreams down too. Now act on that. Take a small, do-able easy step - make it simple and achievable. We reach our goals by taking small incremental steps WITH CONSISTENT effort. Then take an active step each day toward your goal. Slow and steady wins the race. We climb the ladder one step at a time. Make sure the steps are small and within your reach…

Time for a few Yoga poses

Always check with your physician before beginning and new exercise, including yoga. Practice caution if you are recovering injury, surgery, are pregnant, or a beginner.

Mountain Pose – Tadasana

Use this pose along with gentle breathing to get centered and grounded as you envision your new awesome self!

Although seemingly simple, this pose is very grounding and focusses on our standing alignment. We root down through the feet and rise up through the crown of the head. This pose can be used alone or as a pause between poses. It provides a moment to stop in a form of meditation & mindfulness in which we can become aware of the breath, our heartbeat or pulse, and the energy within the body.
Step the feet hips distance apart. Root down through the soles of the feet. Soften the knees and imagine drawing the energy of the earth up through the body as you straighten your legs. Gently draw in the pelvis. Lift the ribs from the waist and roll the shoulders down the back. Allow the shoulders to rest. Lengthen the neck and align the chin parallel to the earth. Stand tall as you reach through the crown of the head towards the sky. Feel the strength and grounding energy of the earth below you, and the lightness of the sky above. Stay for a few breaths and notice how this feels in your body.

Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose - Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

Open your hips, and your mind - let's get expansive.

This pose focusses on balance, extension & core strength.

Begin in Mountain Pose, bending the right knee bring it up to the belly. Reach the right hand to take hold of the instep of the foot. Inhale and extend the right leg forward. Straighten the knee as much as possible. Gently bring the leg out to the side. (if the leg is unable to extend fully, use a strap or your winter scarf as an adaption).
Hold the pose for a few breath cycles while lifting through your torso to stand tall. Bend the knee and release the pose, coming back to standing in Mountain. Repeat on the left side.

Dancer Pose - Natarajasana

More expansion - connect your open heart to the Universe! What amazing things await you? Feel the grace and beauty and expansiveness of this pose!

This is one of my favourite poses! A test in balance, grace, and flexibility. It requires focus, expansion, and resilience all at once.
This pose opens the hips, the shoulders, the heart, and the mind - the perfect way to step into 2023

*Special tip - you can use the wall or a chair for support in this pose!

Beginning in Mountain Pose, bend the right knee bringing the heel toward your bottom. Reach down with the right hand to take hold of the front of the foot. Inhale and bend the torso forward, hinging at the hip, while stretching the left arm in front of you. Pause, and ground down through the standing leg. Once you feel steady, Inhale, and lift your foot, heart & sternum up. Lift your gaze to the horizon and hold the pose for a few breath cycles (hold the pose - not your breath!) Release the leg and come back to standing in Mountain pose. Repeat on the left side.

And now,

Behind-the-Scenes of my Book…

I am now on round five of editing my manuscript. And each time I tackle a new chapter, I feel closer to my goal.

The best thing about editing a self-help book like mine, is that it has a way of forcing me to walk the talk and practice what I’d learned all over again in my own healing journey.

Right now I’m working on a chapter that is all about the link between empathy and codependency. And as a lifelong Empath, I can assure you that these lessons never lose their value. My own book has become one of my best teachers and biggest reminders of the growth work and soul work while I go through the editing process, again…and again. But truly, I feel so honoured to be able share into this world.

It is my goal to create a good book that will inspire and support others on their own journey. I am plodding along with the hopes of being in print in 2023. And will continue to share my process - this keeps me accountable to finish this big project. AND it’s fun to have my readers supportively cheering me on.

I am reminded of a younger time when my Dad and I used to joke that we were both growing up together. It wasn’t just me growing up, it was both of us. And now as I share my editing process, it feels somehow similar, in that we are doing this together. I feel like you are in this with me. And, we got this!

Thanks for reading.

Feel free to send a note. I’d love to hear from you - I’d love to know if you want to continue receiving newsletters as I respect that inboxes get pretty full! So let me know.

Wishing you so many blessings, lot’s of love & joy this season.

Much love to you,

