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"We are all just walking each other home."  ~Ram Dass
Dear Wild Nature Hearts,

Greetings from heart of the ripe red maple leaf. I hope this finds you well-autumned and blessed with abundant harvests of the year.

Just a quick note to say there are Two Spots left for Within the Cave Something Pulses, starting December 2. If you are wanting to deepen into the season with an intimate community to tend to what emerges in the fruitful darkness, this might be the journey for you.

Within the Cave Something Pulses is a 6-week interactive experience to slow down, apprentice to the season of darkness, and dive deep into the caverns of our Self and wild nature in order to discover what emerges in the fruitful darkness.

The dark feminine womb of winter invites an Underworld transformation. A cave comes beckoning. We go to the cave to find renewal and our own sacred. Allied to the energies of the dark winter season, this course supports and encourages an abundance of rest, listening, darkness, slowness, and silence.

We explore the themes of: Honoring the Darkness, Lessons From the Labyrinth, Tending the Imaginal Cells, Shadow Work/Holy Shit, and apprenticing to Bear, Slug, and our beautiful, beloved teacher, Death. 

For Within the Cave, an optional component is the opportunity for a supported extended day on-the-land ceremony through the framework of wilderness rite-of-passage. 

WHEN: December 2-January 20
TIME:  10am-12pm PST | 6-8pm GMT

Find out more and register here.

Like all Wild Nature Heart experiences, both courses explore through conversations in Council Circle, poetry, sense expanding and somatic practice, and 1-on-1 consultations. This is a small cauldron of curious hearts who are hearing the call to anchor our ecospirituality, cultivate wild purpose, and tend to our longings and listenings.

If this alluringly awakens something in you, Register here.
Or drop me a line:

May the slime be with you.

With inky cap mushrooms emerging amidst a bright cloak of darkness,
P.S. Sneak peak of what is happening in the new year:

A NEW earthy embodied writing course, Write Your Wild River, a four-week experience which I will be co-guiding with writer and feminist sex therapist Katie Baptist. Starts January 8. Look for the next newsletter for details. Email to be on interested list.

The next cohort of Deep Belonging in the Great Turning begins January 27.

Radiant Roots: A free, on-going circle for exploring dismantling White Supremacy, unlearning colonialism, and hospicing modernity with curiosity, compassion, and community..

The Mystery of Red

This week's #EcosensualSunday brought to you by the color red and its anthem of anthocyaninic autumnal abundance.

So luscious, so dawn-kaleidoscopic, so richly red & riddled within the great turn, where all the mysteries jitterbug and species of love live.

How wondrous it is to be sensing creatures among a juicy, colorful, delicious, scented, symphonic, tactile, sentient world!! How intimately we belong.
I acknowledge that I live in and Wild Nature Heart works in/on/with traditional Wiyot and Yurok lands, in so-called Humboldt County, CA.


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