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Giving Thanks to Inspiring Organisms

As November draws to a close, let’s take the word “thanksgiving” to heart. Not just to feel gratitude, but to express that gratitude to those who support each of us in all we do.

In that spirit, let’s give thanks to a few organisms that have shown the way to some brilliant recent innovations.

Thank You, Spiders!

We’re applying what we’ve learned from the untangled molecular structure of your silk to weave powerful, biodegradable fibers from pea protein. Hopefully this helps us cut down on our plastic use!

Plant-Based Polymer Film Inspired by Spiders

Thank You, Bats!

The way some of you can flop your ears when listening for echoes has given us a model for making incredibly precise and efficient sound detectors.

Sound Sensor Inspired by Bats

Thank You, Insects!

Your stretchy, responsive wings have shown us a way to get turbines to convert up to 35% more energy from the wind!

Wind Turbines Inspired by Insect Wings

Thank You, Nature!

We're a species that is so curious (in both meanings of the word), and you give us so much to be amazed by, to be inspired by, and to strive toward. We literally wouldn’t be here without you.

Find More Organisms to Thank

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