18 November 2022

Arkholme Primary School News

School Website
2022-2023 Term Dates
School Calendar
November Online Safety Newsletter
Parents Guide - Setting up Parental Controls

Contact us...

The quickest and easiest way to contact your child's teacher is to email the school office and mark it for the attention of your child's teacher.
Please contact the school office via email or phone 015242 21418.
Please do not message via Remind as these messages often get missed.
Click here to email the school office
Click here to email Mrs Ingram
Lion King

I hope your child has told you all about the amazing performance on Wednesday. It really was a magical performance, which I am sure inspired many of our children. On Thursday, we received the following email, and I thought I should share it with you all. It goes without saying that I am always hugely proud of all your children, and this email reaffirms why!
Good afternoon,
We had the pleasure of attending The Lion King at the Palace Theatre yesterday afternoon (23 November), in which some of your pupils were also in attendance. 
I am writing to pass on my praise at how well behaved and well-mannered the students were. I attended the performance with my mother, who is a great lover of the theatre and musicals, and this was the first show she had attended since losing her sight nearly three years ago. We had travelled from Leyland for the performance and she was understandably nervous about navigating her way around unknown premises. The kindness and courtesy shown by your students and teachers made the whole process significantly easier for her and will go a long way in helping her rebuild her confidence to be out in public. 
I sincerely hope that all who attended the performance enjoyed it as much as we did. Whilst the show was absolutely outstanding, my mother's day was certainly made by seeing a theatre full of engaged young people enjoying themselves.
Children today all too often have a bad reputation, but your students absolutely fly in the face of that and are an absolute credit to your school. We hope to see them again at future performances. 
Mrs Beth Austin
Coming up

It is a busy time in school, and there are numerous events planned in the next few weeks. Here are a few school event dates for your diary:
Thursday 1st December - Christmas Craft morning. If you are able to help, please let your child's class teacher know
Friday 2nd December - PTFA Christmas Fair from 3:30pm, we might even get a visit from the Big Man! ho, ho, ho!!
Tuesday 6th - Wednesday 7th December Kingfisher Roman Adventure residential
Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th December at 2pm- EYFS/KS1 Nativity in Arkholme Village Hall. Tickets are available on Parent Pay
Friday 9th December -Christmas jumper day and PTFA - Secret Santa shop - all gifts £1. Children can bring up to £3 
Thursday 15th December
- Christmas lunch - Christmas parties and PTFA Movie night
Friday 16th December - Christingle Service - School closes at 1:30pm Joy Ingram
Week commencing 28 November 2022 at a glance:


KS2 Christmas Choir - 3:30 - 4 pm.
Kingfisher Class - Please wear indoor PE kit.
Owl Class - Please wear School outdoor P.E. kit for Rugby and bring a spare pair of shoes - thank you!


Robins - Please wear PE kit.  Some children will be going on a KS1 Athletics Trip - the selected children have received an invite seperately via Parent Pay.
Kingshers - Please come in school PE Kit and bring your swimming kit with you.
Owls - Please wear outdoor PE Kit.


Christmas Craft Morning


Robins:   Please wear PE kit.
PTFA Christmas Fair

A friendly reminder to give consent/non consent, giving reasons,  for your child's annual flu vaccination.   There are still a large number outstanding.  Thank you!


This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. There may be a rebound in flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose.


Online Consent Form:

1.         Please use the following link to access the online consent form:

2.         Please quote the unique school code. The code for your school is BP119523

Please complete the online consent form for both consent / no consent giving reasons.

Please inform the School Vaccination Team (Not School) of the following on


Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde: 01253 951984

Lancaster & Morecambe: 01524 406672


•           If your child has steroid tablets prescribed two weeks prior to vaccination.

•           If in the few days prior to vaccination your child has been wheezy.

•           If consent is received and you take your child to your GP surgery to receive the vaccination.


It is your responsibility to contact the school vaccination team to ensure they do not receive the immunisation again.

A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme can be accessed by clicking the following link: Flu vaccination for children

Yours faithfully,

School Age Vaccination Team

Music Lessons

If you have any outstanding payments, please can you bring your payments up to date, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.  Well done to all of you for remembering your instruments and making good progress.  Mr Warriner has vacancies, so if your child is in Year 2 or above and would like to play an instrument, please email him directly.
Email Mr Warriner - Music lessons

In the classroom this week!

What an exciting week we have had. Reception LOVED the Lion King on Wednesday and were all amazingly well behaved and represented school so well - we are really proud of you all!  We also had our nativity dress rehearsal, look out for ticket info, we hope you can join us at one of our performances.
In the classroom we have been building our learning about Stickman this week. We enjoyed the story and have produced some super writing. In Phonics we learnt our last sounds for this term and will spend the next few weeks consolidating the learning and practising blending and segmenting with these sounds. On Friday during our food session we made sweet and savoury stickmen from breadsticks - yum!
In Maths we have been looking at the number 4 in detail - we are experts now!
Have a great weekend Puffins and we look forward to seeing you next week for the start of lots of Christmas focussed learning. 
Have a great weekend everyone. 
Team Puffin   

I can't believe it is Friday again. These weeks are flying by. This week we have been continuing our exploration of the animal world, and learning what animals eat. We learnt the words herbivore, omnivore and carnivore. On Thursday we had a visit from Clover, Remy and Ezra's pet tortoise to help us learn about reptiles. 
In English, Year 1 have been creating characters and then using them to create a fantasy story. Mrs James was amazed by how creative and imaginative we are in Year 1 and impressed with the amazing writing! In Maths, we have been using our number bonds to 10 to solve addition word problems and building number sentences. 
Year 2 have been writing their wild thing stories and we are very nearly finished! Mrs Ingram joined us for a writing lesson on Tuesday and was very impressed with the progress the children are making in their writing. In maths we have been using our number bond to 10 knowledge to solve calculations involving making 10.
We LOVED our visit to the lion king - it was AMAZING, and we were able to identify lots of the animals and talk about them today at school.  Mr Fletcher joined us again for PE and we had a lot of fun! Next week we will be doing PE on WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY so please come in PE kit on WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY next week. Have a great weekend! 
Mrs James and Mrs Whitaker

What an incredible week it has been!  We have been to Manchester to watch The Spectacular Lion King and been widely complemented by members of the public for our beautiful behaviour and manners. Led whole school worship on the theme of trust. Filled our classroom windows with stained glass artwork inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Night. Practised our gymnastic routines, marvelled at the children's amazing Roman themed homework, studied artists impressions of the arrival of the shepherds at the first Christmas, and said a fond farewell to the wonderful Mr MacKinnon. 
Have a good rest this weekend Kingfishers, next week will be another jam-packed week full of learning and fun.
Mrs Burgess


What an amazing week in Owls this week!
In Maths this week we have been learning about multiples, factors, prime and square numbers so a lot to take in!
In English, we have written our own descriptions for our setting and character (the Wishgranter!)
In History, we learnt about rationing and how our diets now differ from those of people during the Second World War.
In Science, we learnt about refraction and how light bends because it travels slower through more dense materials. We did a fun experiment to show this.
In Art we created decorations for the Christ Church display as well as making the Nativity stain glass window scene.
In the middle of all this we went to see the Lion King which all the children enjoyed loads. They were also very well behaved. 
The girls also did fantastically in their football tournament after school on Tuesday winning the whole thing! Well done, Elise, Millie, Isabella, Erin, Bea, Hattie, Anna, Abi and Kayleigh!

Mr Pedder



Every Friday we hold a whole school WOW worship.  We celebrate good work in school each week.

There are 3 categories:

Golden Book - this is to reward children who have worked hard, produced some great work or improved a great deal.

Celebrates Christian Values - this celebrates kindness, friendship, perserverance, respect, love or anyone of our Christian Values


Happy Ambassador

Puffins - All of Reception for amazing behaviour and representing school well at the Lion King.

Year 1 -  Max for always trying his best to have beautiful handwriting and for having such fantastic ideas for his fantasy story this week!  Well done.

Year 2 -  Laura  - I said the person with the neatest handwriting would go in the book today....... and that's Laura!

Kingfingers -  Isabelle Stephenson for her superb Maths this week.

Owls -   I could have picked anyone from the girls football team who represented the school amazingly and won their tournament.  However, one stood out as being fantastic in their wins and being supportive of others and that was the captain, Elise!!!

Puffins -  Florence for helping Jessica at playtime.

Year 1 -  Archie for showing perserverance and carrying on when trying out some tricky balancing in PE.  Well done!

Year 2 -  Alicia is always thoughtful and helpful.

Kingfishers -  Ben and Thomas Muckalt for their impeccable behaviour at the Lion King - they set a fabulous example.

Owls -  Charlie for being patient whilst helping others.

Puffins - Angus for awesome singing at the Lion King.

Year 1 - Jessica for always having a smile that is infectious!

Year 2 - Harriet never fails to make us all smile!

Kingfishers -  Thomas Shires for being his new baby sister into visit us all.

Owls - Adam for being fantastic company on the coach to and from the Lion King.  He made me laugh loads.
KS2 Christmas Choir

We are going to be learning some wonderful Christmassy songs at choir over the next few weeks.  Please come along if you'd like to join in,;it's a lovely time of year to give choir at try. Mondays after school from 3:30pm - 4:00 pm.
Christmas Lunch for our Kenyan Friends
As we look forward to all the excitement of the end of term and especially our wonderful whole school Christmas lunch, we would like to invite you to make a gift of a Christmas lunch to a child at school in Kenya. 
This winter, with the prices of food (especially grains) increasing, our Kenyan friends continue to find it a struggle to provide a hot meal for their students every lunchtime and we would like to help them again. For some children, this is the only food they receive all day.
If you would like to make a gift of one school meal this Christmas time, please send £2.40 into school in an envelope marked Kenyan Christmas Lunch.
Mrs Burgess

Christmas Craft Morning
On Thursday, we will be enjoying our whole school Christmas craft morning.  We will be making reindeer tree decorations and will need a lot of brown wool! If you have any spare brown wool - any shade will do, please can you send it into school on Monday.

Streets of Light 2022
We are delighted to be lighting our windows again during advent this year as part of the Streets of Light campaign. 
You may have already noticed some wonderful stained-glass pictures appearing at the front of school?
The theme this year is The First Christmas. 
We will be lighting our display every evening at dusk and hope that our windows help to share a message love, joy and hope.
Did you know that you can join in too! 
If you would like to decorate a window at home to share the Christmas story, we'd love to see a picture of it.
Please email the school office with your Streets of Light pictures and we'll share them with everyone at school.
Mrs Burgess
PTFA News WOMBLING DAY Saturday 26th November 9:30am Please join the PTFA to help tidy, sweep, wash and sort the outside of school. It’s a fun day and many hands make light work. Refreshments will be provided. CHRISTMAS FAIR Friday 2nd December Please look out for sign-up sheets that will be available next week to put your name down to help man a stand or help serve food at the Christmas Fair. It’s going to be a wonderful event and all help will be gratefully received!
We will be proudly decorating a tree!
Community News
Arkholme Parish Church - Weekly Bulletin
The Wagtail - local news
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