
Dear <<First Name>>,

WinterFest 2023 starts Wednesday, January 4th on Zoom for four consecutive Wednesdays (January 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th). There are two sessions on each date:

  • 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
  • 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

No Registration Required for WinterFest

You do not have to log in or register for WinterFest courses.

All LLI members will be sent the Zoom link in the early morning of each Wednesday in January. The Zoom link is the same for every presentation.

2023 LLI WinterFest Catalog Available

You can get to the ProClass WinterFest catalog by clicking the button below or from the LLI website. From the website's top navigation bar, select Courses, then ProClass Search for Courses. On the Search page, select the semester WinterFest 2023 and then click the Search button.
Link to the WinterFest Catalog on ProClass

The 2023 WinterFest Catalog is also available through the LLI website. From the main navigation bar, select Courses, then Catalog Archive, and select the 2023 WinterFest Catalog.

Click on the title of a course to see expanded information. There is a print button at the bottom of the catalog page and a link to a PDF Course Index Table.
Link to the WinterFest Catalog on LLI Website

Zoom Sessions

All WinterFest sessions will be on Zoom and can be accessed using the same Zoom link. You will get an email with information on the day's sessions each January Wednesday morning around 6:00 a.m.


Bard LLI members and WinterFest presenters may invite individual guests. Members, presenters, and their guests are welcome at every session. The Bard community of faculty, staff, and students is also welcome.

Just forward the email you receive with the Zoom link to your guest.

We look forward to seeing you at WinterFest!

You can check our website at for more information.

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