Welcome back to Communiquette - a periodic tutorial on the basics of communicating respectfully and honoring each other's dignity. Happy Reading!

January 2023

We continue to highlight the work of our amazing Student Voice Program members. The programs include Student Ambassadors, Editorial Advisors, and Culture Council. This month we would like to highlight three of our SVP members! Check out their bios below! 
Student Ambassador
Hometown: Everman, TX
Hobbies: reading, dance, drawing, and cooking
Favorite Song/Artist: Shiloh Dynnasty
If you were a rock, what kind would you be? ”I would be a geode rock in a serene dark forest.” 
Editorial Advisor
Hometown: Denver, CO
Hobbies: Spending time with friends (especially outdoors) and trying new things.
If you were a rock, what kind would you be? I would be a small round rock in the bottom of a rushing stream high up in the Rockies.
Editorial Advisor
Hometown: Accra, Ghana
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Tennis, Singing
Favorite Song/Artist: My favorite song is Immature by FLO, and my favorite artist is Ariana Grande
If you were a rock, what kind would you be? “I would be a sedimentary rock and I would be located in the Alps”

"Whether it is prestige, location, or campus size the driving factor of a student’s college list, it is undeniable that this period marks a journey of self-reflection for many, as seniors ponder on the daunting yet exciting question: “Where do I want to spend the next four years?”

Click here to read more!

Dragon Breaths

Dragon breathing is a technique from mindfulness and yoga practices that teaches you to slow down, take a deep breath, and then let the air out like a dragon.

It can be hard for all of us to “take a breath” when we are upset, angry or emotionally hijacked in any way. It is hard for adults and can be harder for young people as they learn to control their emotions. Research has shown that mindfulness meditation and breathing can be really helpful when trying to control our emotions, but mindfulness is becoming watered down.

Watered down words are words that adults are using too much, and kids start to have a negative reaction when they hear the word or even if the word is overused for a reason. A different way to approach it with some of your younger kids is to talk about dragon breathing.

The visual of a dragon breathing fire is helpful to kids with a big imagination; plus, dragons are cool! 

You can enhance the discussion with your students by showing pictures of a dragon breathing fire or even taking it to the level by having students make their fire-breathing dragon. Try this with your students and help make “taking a breath” more fun and appealing as a technique when their emotions get the best of them. 

WEBINAR on Friendships: How to Define and Navigate

FINAL REMINDER: Carey Goldstein is hosting webinar on tomorrow, Thursday, Jan 25 at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. Save your spot here

If you are a teacher, counselor, parent, or school administrator, this webinar is for you!

This webinar will show the connection between loyalty, personal boundaries, and friendship groups while providing activities to use with the students you work with. By defining loyalty and discussing personal boundaries, you provide opportunities for young people to navigate friendship groups with more confidence and understanding. 


Feb 1st - McGehee School – Courageous Discomfort: Transforming Hard Conversations
Feb 3rd - Loyola University Women’s Resource Center – Courageous Discomfort: Transforming Hard Conversations
Feb 9th - Aspen Academy – Queen Bees & Masterminds
Feb 15th - Gunnison County Juvenile Services – Parenting Series Webinar: Creating a Culture of Dignity
Feb 15th - Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) Parent Webinar – Raising Our Village: Creating a Culture of Dignity
Feb 18th - Learning and the Brain Conference, Teaching Behaved Brains: Strategies for Challenging, Disruptive Behaviors, Autism, ADHD, and Executive Function


Owning Up teaches young people that their dignity and the dignity of others is the principle that guides our decisions and actions every day in our friendships, families, and schools.

"The slide decks are super simple and so are the also helps them put the pieces together at the end of the program and solidifies their comprehension of dignity and respectand how it flows through everything we do and all the ways we show up in the world."
- Happy Teacher

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 CommuniquetteA periodic tutorial on the basics of communicating respectfully and honoring each other's dignity.

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