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9th December 2022

This week's message from Andrew Teale, Diocesan Director of Education 

An Unexpected Story
With so much going on in the news this week, it was difficult to know where to cast our bulletin spotlight. Train strikes, political developments, family arguments (royal not mine).
As the week progresses, and I’m driving across our beautiful diocese, my thoughts often turn to what I will write for the Friday message. I always get some guiding help along the way and this week was no exception.

Click here to continue reading Andrew's message...

Christmas Collective Worship Video
(FREE access for all schools for this episode)
We have created a special Christmas collective worship video for all schools this week. Join Mark as he explores the story of the angels visiting the shepherds in Luke 2:8-11 and find out how a Christmas  cracker can help us reflect upon the meaning of Christmas and real gift of Christmas.
Partnership schools will also be sent an accompanying reflection sheet that can be sent home or used in class for further reflection. These weekly videos and reflection sheets are included in the Partnership Agreement to receive a weekly worship video make sure that your school is signed up.      
Is there more to a church school than being a happy, caring and sharing place?

How do our vision and values shape our distinctive character to equip our pupils for the world of today?

How do we build communities of hope? Communities led by a deep theology of education that leads to transformation of lives.

All church school Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and Directors are invited to join us for this in person conference to reflect on how we can re-envision our church schools.

Date:                    Tuesday 7th March 2023 (9.30am - 3.30pm)
Venues:               Hereford Cathedral and The Left Bank Centre, Hereford

We will start the day with worship in the Cathedral before moving to the Left Bank Centre. There we will learn and reflect together as we hear from a range of national speakers. With opportunities to network and learn from each other too. 

Click here to find out costs and book your place.  We very much look forward to you joining us to  explore how we can develop our distinctiveness to shape our pupils’ futures together.

The DfE have announced an investment of £500 million pounds to futureproof schools/colleges in England

The investment will futureproof schools and colleges in England with energy efficiency upgrades, helping to manage energy consumption and save on bills. In addition, the department is also announcing that the £2 billion confirmed in the Autumn Statement in November will be split between mainstream schools and high needs funding. Councils will get £400 million for high needs budgets, to help support children with special education needs or disabilities, with the rest of the additional investment going to schools’ budgets. See: School capital funding - GOV.UK (

Click here for additional information from the Church of England Education Office regarding this funding.

In addition, guidance has been published  to support schools to maximise energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and improve sustainability and resilience this winter and beyond. This guidance is for building users, premises managers and senior leadership teams.

Diocesan Online Training & Development 

New SIAMS 2023: 
SIAMS 2023 introductory training: 7th February 2023: 9.30am - 12 noon
Are you up to date with the new SIAMS schedule?  An essential session for church schools to deepen your understanding of the new SIAMS 2023 Framework, which comes into effect from September 2023. 

Church School Vision and Ethos: Collective Worship/Prayer/Spirituality: RE Teaching: Governor training:
Please see our Education Events Page for a full list of our training courses.  An unlimited number of places at the majority of our courses are included for all Partnership Schools. Please do get in touch with the Education Team if you wish to discuss our Partnership Agreement and the support on offer. Details of our Diocesan Partnership Agreement  are available in the link.
Now booking for Spring Term 2023. Springs provides an exciting way for children to interact with the R.E. curriculum through physical movement and creativity. Click on the links to find out more: PARABLE Interactive Performance Workshop and The Easter Project.
Several of our schools have created prayer and story videos as part of the diocese’s Follow the Star advent campaign. Each week new videos will be premiered here: Advent and Christmas - Diocese of Hereford (  Follow the link to see who has shared their story...
Andrew's message continued...
On Tuesday I travelled to Broseley CE Primary and met with headteacher Sam Aiston and Chair of Governors Ian Barratt and Vice-Chair Alison Edwards. It was my first visit to this lovely school, on the edge of the diocese, not too far from Ironbridge. The first thing I noticed was that they have one of the most impressive school Christmas trees, I’ve seen so far this year!  I arrived early and was given a lovely cup of tea and a seat in the reception area. On the table was a copy of the Parish and Community Magazine from the Broseley Group of Churches. Although I was tempted to check my e-mails, instead I left my phone in my pocket and opened the magazine. The pages fell open on the, ‘From the Rectory’ section. Here I found and read a story written by the late Rev Christopher Penn, who sadly died during the summer. Christopher was a member of our Diocesan Board of Education for many years and so I thought, I would reprint his story for all of you, here, including the touching note from the editor, Nick Wood, which preceded it. Thank you to all who help produce this lovely publication and all those like it in parishes across the diocese.

Editor’s note:
This is our first Christmas since Fr.Christopher’s passing, and, looking back, I thought it would be nice to reprint his first Christmas ‘Rectors remarks’ from 2017 which, with its gentle humour, to me at least is one of the many reasons he is missed.
The Rector recalls the case of the missing Jesus
When my children were little, before I was ordained, as a family we had a routine on Christmas day. The Christmas tree was in the hall next to a table that was adorned by our nativity set. On Christmas morning the children would wake, at an hour I had never realised existed pre children, clamber in to our bed and they would open the few presents Santa had thoughtfully left in pillow cases at the bottom of their beds.

Then we would all get up, get washed, dressed, a quick breakfast before setting off to church. Once we were home then our celebrations would really begin; mum and dad would open something fizzy while the boys played Santa tackling the mountain of presents under the tree, the torn paper mountain grew until eventually all was unwrapped and children disappeared to play with their new toys in front of the sitting room fire. Mum disappeared into the kitchen to wrestle the turkey, leaving dad to clear up the wreckage in the hall.

All done I walked back through the hall and realised that we had forgotten to put the baby Jesus in the crib of the Nativity (we always kept Jesus hidden at the back of the stable until the appointed day). The family were summoned back and the youngest child was charged with the task of retrieving Jesus and placing him in his rightful place between Mary and Joseph, surrounded by shepherds, animals, and some premature wise men (they shouldn’t have arrived until 6th of January!). ‘He’s not there’, said Michael. ‘What do you mean’, said dad. ‘Jesus isn’t behind the stable’ said Michael. ‘Of course he is’ said dad. ‘No he isn’t, have a look’. And he was right, Jesus was missing!
What followed was a major investigative search that was worthy of an episode of Miss Marple - even the cat and dog were interrogated, but seemed innocent; each giving the other an alibi. The Labrador looked guilty, but there again Labrador’s always do.

Eventually the family got bored and made their way back to the sitting room just in time for the Queens speech. It was then that I had an epiphany and headed out to the bins. After much rummaging, you will be relieved to hear that Jesus was found safely wrapped in discarded snowman print wrapping paper. He was duly returned to the warmth of his and our family’s bosom and the cosiness of the stable.

Later that night with the house asleep and all quiet I sat in front of the fire with a turkey sandwich and a night cap and recounted the day: ‘Fancy losing Jesus!’ I thought and then I realised that we risk doing just that every Christmas. We become so involved with presents and the tree and the dinner and being surrounded by friends and family it is really easy to lose Jesus in all the wrappings – after all he is the reason for the season. There is nothing wrong with all the trimmings and everything that goes to make up that very special day, but let’s try and remember what we are celebrating. Jesus, God’s true light, coming into the world to change for ever the lives of you and me.

Your priest and friend
Collect for 2nd Sunday of Advent
 Almighty God,
purify our hearts and minds,
that when your Son Jesus Christ comes again as
judge and saviour
we may be ready to receive him,
who is our Lord and our God.

Prayers and blessings for Dan Breary and the team at Bridstow CE Primary  who had a special Christmas visit from our friends at OfSTED for two days this week. There is never an easy time for an OfSTED inspection, but the last weeks of the Autumn term in a primary school are exceptionally tough. Without wanting to be too unwelcoming, I do hope this will be the last one in our diocese until 2023.
Thank you for all that you are doing in support of our precious schools at this hugely busy time of the year. Blessings for a restful weekend and for the final week of term (for most but not all schools).
Canon Andrew Teale
Diocesan Director of Education

For further information and updates from the wider Diocese please see the regular bulletins issued by the central communications team.

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