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🥐 goodbye 2022 🥐

I've decidedly not compiled any end of year gift guide type of thing as you all know what to do with your money. Instead I want to gift you a little something: a map of special places from one of my beloved trips this year: Asheville. There's no reason I'd ever live there and it's not close to the ocean (i kind of assess each vacation as possible places for me to land) but it's very easy living that I want to revisit a lot in my life. 

I just want to also thank you for reading and staying committed to this push projects journey. The newsletter was born out of a way to keep people in the know of all my many events and projects (Cinema 16 goers you know who you are) but really blossomed after having kids and experiencing a pandemic. The newsletter became this intimate gateway for sharing what I'm reading, listening to, watching, a little studio visit conversation while simultaneously asking the same from folks in my community.

In 2022 I have had the privilege of interviewing 10 people which you can revisit on the archive here. Next year I will expand my questions to include a little more about my guests. Is there anything you're burning to know about?

Speaking of questions, you may have noticed that each interviewee spotlights a flower and a bread. This is an ongoing investigation called bread and roses based off the old poem and political slogan that demands everyone get access fair living conditions and the dignity of beauty.  

Of course if you can spread the news about this newsletter and encourage someone to sign up- i don't have a lead magnet, i'm not being sponsored, it's may gateway to you all close and far.

So in the meantime, enjoy this map, enjoy your loved ones, soak up in all the joy and even the stress of this time because we are alive which is pretty dang special.
🏺 gotta check in this ceramic show out 🏺
Jennifer Rochlin's ceramics at Shrine are just so stunning, I'm gonna have to check them out in person.

🔍 has anyone seen this? 🔍

The holidays are my favorite time to see movies. Park Chan-wook's Decision to Leave is definitely at the top of the list.
🎥 on the laundry list of films 🎥
another one on the list is this film about women at different life stages on the Iranian island of Kish. 
🌱 reconvene 🌱
I am so proud of the reconvene summit that I helped program for Eventbrite and thrilled to tell you that I am programming the 2023 Reconvene Sessions! stay tuned for more.

💌 the case for fan mail 💌

NYT makes a compelling case for writing fan mail.

🖋 contemplating my first tattoo 🖋

atlas obscura dives into the balkan tattoo tradition called Sicanje. where's your favorite spot on the body for ink?
🍞 bread bread bread 🍞
learn more about the importance of bread in wartime ukraine and try out their special recipe for ukranian style country loaf. 
🐸 remember the rainforest cafe? 🐸
Once I snuck into the Rainforest Cafe with an old boyfriend and a huge 16mm Arriflex camera and made some work about this artificial paradise. Here's a story of its roots.

🌟 the pursuit of beauty 🌟

If you are your thoughts then listen to this episode of On Being for adding beauty to your inner landscape.
🎥 movie of the week 🎥
I'm going to take myself to this iconic movie that used to be a vhs repeat. what a weird movie!
🎶 song of the week 🎶
I think this is mine and everyone else's song of the week :)
if you enjoyed any of this week's links and want to share them with your friends, colleagues, pets, grandparents, plants, etc, we'd love if you shared push projects with them so they can get it directly in their inbox. click the link below to do just that 📩
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