
7 December, 2022

「N Letter」は、サステナビリティや環境課題、グリーンビジネスに関する
vol.16 エシカルチョコレート, 世界の綿花生産, ベルリンの美術館建設中止





巧克力一直是最受歡迎的甜點之一。但長期以來,其背後存在的森林採伐和童工的問題一直都處於爭議狀態。 為了製造永續發展的巧克力,誰應該要來承擔責任,該付出什麼樣的代價?爭論就在歐洲(世界最大的巧克力消費和製造商存在的區域)和西非(可可豆原料的主要生產區域)之間搖擺不定,一些雙方應該出來一起討論的會議甚至被抵制。


Could chocolate be ethical?

Chocolate is definitely one of the most loved sweets all over the world - the issues of deforestation and child labour behind its production have been pointed out on the other hand.

How much of what cost is needed, and who bares it, if we are possibly to make sustainable chocolate? The debate is swinging among major manufacturers in Europe, the world's largest consumer region, and farmers in West Africa, the main production area for the cocoa beans used as a raw material. Some meetings have been even boycotted between those two sides by now.

Behind this simple food lie complex issues that cannot be easily resolved: Supply chain management, the impact of the market economy, the North-South divide.

Source: Who’s going to pay for an ethical chocolate bar? – POLITICO




越來越多民眾響應要求停止在柏林波茲坦廣場附近建造20世纪博物館。 環保人士和建築評論家認為這個博物館的環境表現不佳,認為該博物館的能源效率比柏林的許多老博物館低好幾倍。能源危機也導致了對新建築環境性能的更多審查。 我們雖然都樂見偉大美麗的博物館的誕生,但公眾的意見也不能忽視。

Calls to Cancel Construction of New Museum to be Built in Berlin

There are growing calls to halt the construction of the Museum of the 20th Century, which is being built near Berlin's Potsdamer Platz. Environmentalists and architecture critics have condemned its poor environmental performance. They say the museum is several times less energy efficient than many older museums in Berlin. The energy crisis has also led to increased scrutiny of the environmental performance of new buildings. We can't wait to see a great museum, but it doesn’t seem like public opinions are negligible on this matter.

Source: Criticism mounts of ‘climate killer’ modern art museum in Berlin | Germany | The Guardian





Visualisation of cotton production

Cotton is the most utilized natural fiber in the world and the most important crop among non-food agricultural products, with its fiber currently used in about half of all textile products. On the other hand, its plant is one of the most water-intensive of agricultural crops, and the production often involves application of pesticides that threaten soil and water quality. The issue of child labor in Africa and Asia has also been revealed. This visual map shows you a little insight of where cotton, an essential material of our lives, is produced.

Source: Ranked: The World’s Top Cotton Producers

今回は、エシカルチョコレート, 世界の綿花生産, ベルリンの美術館建設中止についてのニュースを取り上げました。私もチョコレートは好物なので、価格が高くなるのは困りますが、現実の問題をしっかり直視することも大事です。消費者として、できるだけエシカルなチョコレートを求めることで良い影響を与えられるかもしれません。





為了讓更多讀者看到我們,從這次開始N Letter多了中文。

In this issue we cover news about ethical chocolate, global cotton production, and the cancellation of the construction of a museum in Berlin. I am also a chocolate lover, and while I do not want to see higher prices, it is important to face the real issues. As consumers, we could have a positive impact by trying to buy more ethical chocolate.

I am curious how the construction of the museum in Berlin is going to lead in the future. The situation is a bit similar to that of the issue of the National Stadium in Tokyo, except that in this case, the element of environmental performance is the major focus of attention.

This time, we have made this newsletter in three languages. We will continue to do so in the future.
Have a good second half of the week everyone.

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