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In 1972 I launched my very first slimming class. Click here to read how it all began.


Last week I had the privilege of presenting certificates to 10 young people who had just completed the course created by The Prince’s Trust. It was wonderful for me to meet the team and to hear how much they had benefitted from it.

The Prince's Trust began in 1976, when His Majesty King Charles III, when he was HRH The Prince of Wales, had a great idea. Having completed his duty in the Royal Navy, the Prince became dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged young people in the UK and he founded the Trust to deliver on that commitment.

Now, 46 years on, over a million young people have benefited from courses run by the Trust.

As I listened to each member of Coalville Team 10, one by one, explaining, with a presentation of photographs, what they had learned, which parts were the toughest, and what they’d achieved, I found myself smiling throughout. It was so inspiring that, against the odds, this group of youngsters had found confidence through each other’s encouragement and support to complete the course.  It was utterly heart-warming.

One teenager explained that she suffered from depression and had spent most of her time shut in her bedroom. She was recommended to sign-up for the course by her GP. They were all so different yet they all bonded beautifully through their shared challenges and experiences. And the most enjoyable activity of all was exactly that – activity!

There is absolutely no doubt that physical activity – in whatever form and at whatever age - is a wonderful way of not only exercising our body but also calming our brain.  If I am unable to exercise for any reason, I really miss it and feel out of sorts. My body starts aching from lack of use (it never used to do that!) and I so look forward to getting moving again.

As you know, I had a leg injury a couple of months ago and my normal exercise routine had to go on hold for a few weeks. Thankfully, now that my injury is in the final stages of healing, I have been able to return to full fitness activities, and boy, do I feel better for it!

I know we are busy at the moment with Christmas looming but please make time for yourself so that you can be physically fit to cope with everything. Eating healthily and keeping fit gives us more energy and that’s just what we need at the moment.

You can find out more about The Prince's Trust at

Recipe of the Week

This simple pudding is so easy to make and it tastes even better than traditional recipes which contain suet making them much higher in fat. It is suitable for vegetarians. Steaming gives a nicer, more moist pudding but the microwave method is also good. If you wish, you can soak the fruit in the brandy, rum or beer and leave overnight. You can make this Christmas pudding two weeks (or more) in advance to maximise the flavours. Drizzle with 1 tbsp of brandy or rum each week leading up to Christmas.

Serves 10
Per serving 280 kcal/2.5g fat
Preparation time 20 mins
Cooking time:
Microwave 15 - 20 mins
Steaming 3 hours to cook, 2 hours to re-heat

84g (3oz) currants
84g (3oz) sultanas
112g (4oz) raisins
84g (3oz) glacé cherries, halved
84g (3oz) plain or self-raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon
56g (2oz) fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs
56g (2oz) dark brown sugar
2 tsps gravy browning
grated zest of 1⁄2 lemon
grated zest of 1⁄2 orange
112g (4oz) grated apple
112g (4oz) carrots, finely grated
4 tbsps brandy or rum
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 eggs, beaten
4 tbsps semi-skimmed milk
2 tbsps black treacle or cane sugar syrup
extra 4 tbsps rum or brandy for reheating

  1. Combine all the dry ingredients and all the wet ingredients in 2 separate bowls. Mix together and add the beaten eggs.
  2. Continue mixing until all the ingredients are combined.
  3. Pour the mixture into a 1.2 litre (2 pint) pudding basin or glass bowl and cover with aluminium foil if steaming (not if microwaving).
  4. Place in a steamer (or in a large saucepan with a smaller lid placed downwards in the pan, or on a heat-proof plate turned upside-down, upon which the bowl will stand) and cook, covered, for 3 hours.
  5. If microwaving the pudding, place an upturned plate over the basin and microwave on full power for 5 minutes. Leave to stand for 5 minutes, then microwave for a further 5 minutes.
  6. After cooking, allow the pudding to cool, then wrap in aluminium foil or place in an air-tight container and leave in a cool, dry place until required.
  7. To reheat the pudding, steam for 1–2 hours,  or microwave for 10 minutes.
  8. When cooked, run a knife around the edge of the basin, turn out onto a serving plate and drizzle with brandy or rum. Serve with low-fat Greek yogurt mixed with a tablespoon of brandy or rum. (optional)
Last week I said we would be featuring Luxury Low-fat Sherry Trifle and Stilton Pears as our recipes in this newsletter, but I realised that the Pudding would benefit from being made sooner rather than later. The trifle can wait till next week! 
For more recipes click here to visit the website

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

What is on your Christmas wish list, apart from a healthy and happy 2023 of course?

I am starting to be asked the question by my nearest and dearest as they, like me, are keen to make sure that the gifts we buy each other are things that we really, really want.

I have stopped putting the fire on in the evenings in some attempt to curb the use of fuel, and have asked for one of those cosy throws to snuggle up in when watching my favourite programmes or reading a good book! If I hadn’t already got one, I would be asking for a Soup Maker. I absolutely love mine and use it all the time.

I think we are all being a bit more cautious this year as we are not quite sure what lies ahead but be assured that keeping fit and active can cost us absolutely nothing. A walk in the fresh air on a crisp winter’s morning is free to us all and can put all the stress of the build-up to Christmas into perspective as well as providing the obvious health benefits. Keeping fit and healthy must be at the top of our priority list so that is why at this time of year when 'time' can seem our enemy, I am proposing we all really take up the amazing solution of Exercise Snacking!

It is only recently that I came across this inspiring expression through our work with the Leicestershire Police and I absolutely love it!  When time is short and you feel you cannot fit in your usual lengthy exercise session, then replacing it with something 'short and sweet' can totally fit the bill.  Having quick 'fit-snacks' of activity means that you will not lose your strength or general level of fitness. Also, hopefully, we will offset to some degree the extra food and drink being consumed.  Choose one Cardio fit-snack each day and one Strength fit-snack and you will be doing great.

Cardio Fit-Snacks

  • Do the H.I.I.T Programme from the website.  Each section is only 2 minutes long!
  • Go up and down stairs 3 times (or 5 if you can).  It takes only 1½ minutes for 3 times!
  • Jump with both feet off the floor in short bursts.  20-rest-20-rest-20 = 1½ minutes!
  • Pretend you are holding a skipping rope and skip for 2 minutes (it's longer than you think!)
  • Step 'on the spot' for 2 minutes.  The knees need to lift to a 45-degree angle.

Strength Fit-Snacks

  • Do 2 sets of 10 press-ups leaning against your kitchen worktop. They take just over 1 minute!
  • Do 2 sets of 10 'Sit to Stand'. Arms across your chest. They take 1½ minutes... done slowly for maximum benefit.
  • Take a 2-litre water bottle in both hands (or 2kg hand weight) and with legs wide take it to one side, bending the knees as you go, then lift it up in the middle as you straighten up, then take it to the other side. Do it slowly! The waist and tummy muscles are working hard.  You can do 2 sets of 10 in less than 2 minutes!

This really is all about how strong is your desire to keep going with your activity when everything seems against it time-wise. Having just written this I am committing myself to it and will let you know how I get on. Also having worked out the timings for each of those activities I have definitely done my bit for today!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1.  Your daily 30+ minute walk is hopefully now a regular habit.  Change your route this week... time it... and trim a minute or two off it by the end of the week. If time or the weather is working against you, be sure to do at least three of the Cardio Fit-Snacks instead.
  2. Select a Strength Programme from the website and commit to 3 sessions with a day’s rest in between. Alternatively, do all three Strength Fit-Snacks in place of each strength workout you would normally do.
  3. If you attend a regular fitness class each week then go to excuses!
  4. Always do your Post Walk Stretches at the end of your walks or strength sessions.  Just 6 - 8 seconds for each stretch is all it takes. Stretching is important if we are to stay agile and flexible. Alternatively, do the Stretch Programme from the website twice this week and that will cover it!
Did you know...

This newsletter is being sent to you on an auspicious day! On 9th December in previous years...
  • In 1868 the first traffic lights were installed, outside the Palace of Westminster in London. Resembling railway signals, they used semaphore arms illuminated at night by red and green gas lamps.
  • In 1934 actress Dame Judi Dench was born.
  • In 1957 American singer-songwriter, dancer and actor Donny Osmond was born.
  • In 1960 the first episode of Coronation Street, the worlds longest-running television soap opera, was broadcast.
  • In 2012 the astronomer and xylophone player extraordinaire Sir Patrick Moore died.

And finally...

It’s very easy to get panicky at this time of the year but I find making a list of jobs to be done a real help. If we see in writing what we have to do, and then start ticking them off once completed, it enables us to feel much more in control. It really, really works.

I hope you have a productive week and are able to enjoy it.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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