Support from donations like yours has been the driving force behind Michigan's progress toward employment, education, meaningful relationships, and independent living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their loved ones .  For over seventy years The Arc Michigan has relied upon your generosity to help create a lasting impact for future generations, and we need your help to keep it going. Your dedication empowers everyone to create and maintain inclusive communities.   As a supporter of The Arc Michigan, you already understand the impact you can have.  You are the reason we remain faithful to pursuing our shared goals for an inclusive Michigan.  Visit to strengthen the future through your contribution. Your Donation Creates  Real Change.   When you support  The Arc Michigan, you're saying yes to a shared commitment to advocacy addressing: Direct Care Worker Wage Increases to Address Workforce shortage.  Attempts to privatize the public behavioral healthcare system.  Keeping access to telehealth services.  Spending of the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Dollars.  Promoting Supported Decision-Making & developing a tool kit.  Eliminating conflicts of interest in service provision.  Improving Person-centered planning & self-directed services through site eval interviews. Just $55 today makes a big difference.
Donate Today And Say YES To Real Change