Welcome to your SGPS, your student society at Queen's

The SGPS is currrently closed for Winter Break, but we wanted to take this time to tell you about our upcoming elections. We will return January 9, 2023 to answer any and all questions you have.

Interested in getting involved? This January 11th, 2023, the nomination period opens for the following SGPS Positions:

  • All SGPS Executive Positions (one year term starting May 1, 2023)

    • President, Vice President Graduate, Vice President Professional, Vice President Campaigns and Community Affairs, Vice President Finance and Services

  • SGPS Student Senator position (two year term starting May 1, 2023)

We know you are likely busy over the holiday break, but we wanted to give you ample time to think about running. The SGPS is closed until January 9th for the break, but if you have any questions, feel free to send us an email that we will answer once we return from the break.

Some advice from Beth Langdon, current SGPS President:

Last year, I was intimidated to run for SGPS President because I don’t think of myself as the loudest person in the room or the best public speaker. But everyone leads in different way, and I knew that I would do well in the role regardless of whether I fit into what I often see as the mold for a leader. I recommend you think what mix of unique qualities, experiences and passions you offer. Take a chance on yourself—we would love to see a range of amazing candidates with different strengths!

Click here to learn all about the SGPS Election
SGPS Elections Positions Available
SGPS President. The President’s role is to represent the Society of Graduate and Professional students to Queen’s senior administrators and stakeholders. This includes holding a position on Senate, the Board of Trustees, and University Council. They work with the entire SGPS team to establish, present, and support the vision of Graduate and Professional students. They also work with all SGPS members, the Executive team, and permanent staff to ensure the viability and sustainability of the SGPS. The SGPS President is paid $15,500.00 per year. A pay increase to $19,500.00 will be brought to the February 2023 Special General Meeting for membership approval.
Vice President Campaigns and Community Affairs. The SGPS holds a dual mandate: to offer services, and to advocate for its members. The VP Community, has a portfolio with work in both of these areas. As a manager for the Commissioner team, they oversee the planning of Social and Athletic activities as well as the work of key International, Indigenous, and Equity student advocates. They also represent the SGPS at external organizations like the Canadian Federation of Students and also has a focus on campaign work for our members. The SGPS Vice President Campaigns and Community Affairs is paid $12,000.00 per year. A pay increase to $15,500.00 will be brought to the February 2023 Special General Meeting for membership approval.
Vice President Finance and Services. The VP Finance and Services’ role is to ensure that SGPS members’ fees are collected and allocated fairly and responsibly. This starts with the creation of a balanced budget that reflects the interests of members. They are also responsible for Chairing the SGPS Finance Committee, and together they facilitate the distribution of bursaries, grants, and sponsorships, as well as, reviewing mandatory fees. They work closely with the permanent staff and other Executives to coordinate SGPS services, including the Health and Dental Benefits Plan. The SGPS Vice President Finance and Services is paid $12,000.00 per year. A pay increase to $15,500.00 will be brought to the February 2023 Special General Meeting for membership approval.
Vice President Graduate. The VP Graduate is responsible for representing graduate students’ needs and interests at the internal level as well as on various University committees and external bodies. They oversee the SGPS Peer Academic Advisors, which offers advice and advocacy services to graduate and professional students on issues concerning their academic lives while here at Queen’s. The SGPS Vice President Graduate is paid $12,000.00 per year. A pay increase to $15,500.00 will be brought to the February 2023 Special General Meeting for membership approval.
Vice President Professional. The needs of professional students are at times distinct from the needs of graduate students. The VP Professional is responsible for representing professional students’ needs and interests at the internal level as well as on various University committees. They are also tasked with doing outreach to professional students, who may be isolated from the rest of the SGPS membership due to the demands associated with their professional degrees. The SGPS Vice President Professional is paid $12,000.00 per year.A pay increase to $15,500.00 will be brought to the February 2023 Special General Meeting for membership approval.
Graduate Student Senator. The Graduate Student Senator is elected to a two-year term to represent graduate and professional students to the Senate–one of the chief governing bodies for Queen’s University, responsible for determining all matters of academic character affecting the University as a whole. It shares responsibility with the Board of Trustees for appointing the Principal. The Senate meets monthly during the academic year. In addition to sitting on the Senate, the Graduate Student Senator sits on various sub-committees of the Senate. The Senator votes on issues ranging from academic sessional dates to the creation of new programs at the University. Being the Graduate Student Senator requires big picture, long term thinking, as many of the things they are voting on will not come to fruition until long after their time as a student is done. This position is open to any graduate student at Queen’s University.
Click here to learn all about the SGPS Election
Think about your upcoming academic year and assess whether or not you will be able to take on a commitment where the expected hours can vary week to week. Look into what role you think would be best for you. Read old Council reports archived on our website. Check out what Bylaw and Policy say about the position. Email the person currently working in the position. Check out our website for more information on the nomination package. Get a friend to take a fabulous headshot for our website and the election ballot. Ask your friends, people in your classes or labs, and people in your department or faculty. Post the link on your social media accounts. The SGPS Elections Team will let you know when you have reached 25. Campaigning can be as casual or as formal as you like. Connect with SGPS members and let them know why you want to serve them.
Click here to learn all about the SGPS Election
Click Here for our Organizational Contact List

We look forward to connecting with you in the New Year!