
<<First Name>>,

It’s been a heckuva year, Texas. From climate change denial to politics, extremism runs amok in the Lone Star State, and, as always, the Texas Observer is keeping an eye on the situation.

No matter how bad it gets, the Observer exists for times like these. We are your partner for factual, investigative journalism with a progressive outlook. The editorial home of Ronnie Dugger, Molly Ivins, and thousands of supporters like you, the Observer continues, against all odds, decade after decade, to “hew hard to the truth as we find it and the right as we see it.”

Times like these are the reason supporters like you have kept us going strong. Be with us now so that, as we head into the new year, we will have it covered. No matter what.

Texas won’t go down without a fight. The Observer is in it. Are you?

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From everyone at the Observer, thank you. 

Read freely,

James Canup
Managing Director, Texas Observer

P.S. Please make a year-end contribution to the Texas Observer.

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