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Final FY2003 Federal Spending Bill - Needs Support

 Congressional leaders have reached a bipartisan agreement on a framework for a final fiscal year (FY) 2023 spending package. While topline spending numbers have not been made public, appropriators are now making critical decisions about how much funding should be invested in HUD’s and USDA’s affordable housing and homelessness programs.
Advocates should contact their members of Congress today and urge them to enact an FY23 spending bill as soon as possible with significant increases to HUD’s affordable housing and homelessness programs.
Executive Director / Warehouse Manager - Job Posting
Building Materials Exchange, a small, 32 year old nonprofit that accepts and passes on useable building materials, with a special focus on supporting low-income homeowners is seeking an executive director and/or warehouse manager.

The organization is largely self-sufficient off of the materials it sells. It's been a huge asset for LI homeowners throughout the southern Maine region.  More here.

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