


Joy to the World
3 Candles

Isaiah 35:1  The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom;
When birds break into song and begin their glorious dawn chorus, you might wonder: Why do they sing in the first place?
Here’s what we know.
 Birds sing for two big reasons:
  1. to mark their territories (This is my house!)
  2. to attract a mate (Want to make a home together?) 
But some scientists believe birds also sing for the sake of delight. Charles Darwin wrote that birds sing “for their own amusement.”
A third big reason, then, may be just that: birds sing because it gives them joy!
Northern Mockingbirds can imitate the songs of up to 200 birds (they can also imitate car alarms and squeaking gates!).

Did you know that blue jays do great impressions of red-tailed hawks? Some scientists believe that one of the reasons they do this is to warn other birds about predators nearby
Conversation Starters

What’s an activity or experience that gives you joy? 
Makes you smile?
Lifts your spirits?

When was the last time you couldn’t stop laughing?
What was happening?
Music played an indispensable role in the civil rights movement, and King considered the Impressions’ song, “People Get Ready,” to be the movement’s unofficial anthem.

Give that song a listen this week, and see if you can hear the sorrow of the world being transformed into joy.
"People Get Ready"
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