
Enjoy the holiday season with some boundaries and changes

Are you starting to feel the stressors of the season? You’re not alone! We’re kissing holiday pressures GOODBYE in 2022, because nobody has time for all that. 

Love, Eirene


GIT Holiday Tip #1 

Set a budget

Accept that you're not a money machine and get off of the holiday hoopla that catapults families into debt.

Set a realistic budget for every family member and stick to it!

I have three boys, and, after they create their out-of-this-world wish lists, we cut out the junk. This is how we make sure dollars are spent wisely, and it also teaches them financial responsibility.


GIT Holiday Tip #2 

Get rid of FOMO (Fear of missing out)

During the holidays, no matter how hard we try or how many toys we buy our kids, there's always going to be the family that buys their child a pony on Christmas morning.

Commit to not comparing yourself with other families; get rid of the FOMO! Because you don't know their situation, only yours, and that's all that matters.


GIT Holiday Tip #3 

Create realistic expectations and deadlines

Being a good parent isn't measured by what you do now through New Year's Eve, it's what you do every single day and how you treat your children throughout the year that counts.

As moms, we often think good mothering means giving up our needs for our children, but that couldn't be any further from the truth.

Mom matters most!

So set realistic expectations and deadlines on what you can achieve with the shopping, decorating and cooking so you get to enjoy the holidays just as much as your children.


GIT Holiday Tip #4 

Just say no

It's ok to be choosy about what invitations you say yes to, and don't be afraid to say no to the rest.

We receive non-stop holiday invites on top of our already busy schedules. Trust yourself because you know your family best and how much they can handle physically and mentally before they get overloaded.

Also, if your kids ask, why aren't we doing xyz?, tell them every family celebrates differently, and this is our choice and we love it.

End of conversation.


GIT Holiday Tip #5

Stay home. Really.

Pick one night a week to stay home and eat dinner together, watch a movie, and rest.

Lock your doors. Turn off your phone. It's time to hibernate. 

Trust me, you'll thank me in the morning.


GIT Holiday Tip #6

Compartmentalize the mess

Big word; one basic concept!

When we compartmentalize messy areas of the home by hiding the mess in a room that's tucked away it eases our stress.

The holidays are a busy time and you don't have time to clean with a Martha Stewart fine glove. Clean what you can and let the rest go, and get it together in the new year!


Do you know someone who could use these #GITMom tips for relieving holiday pressure? Please share!

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