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Ernie Alcantar, President    Steve Windisch Jr, Vice President
Larry Lundberg, Treasurer     Bob Moir, Sgt. at Arms

Mattos Mail Bag!

Hi all,
Received a birthday greeting for Bob Moir from Don DeMers.

Dave Samsel is undergoing treatment for medical conditions. 
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a successful recovery.

A large turn-out for the December breakfast/brunch get together.
The group pitched in to provide a 'super tip' for the restaurant staff;
a very kind gesture and just in time for the holidays! 

Larry Lundberg, Pat Dwyer, Ernie Alcantar, Paul Gardner, Steve Caraway,
George Montano (Wil's brother), Wil Montano, Mike O'Connor, Frank Portillo,
Ted Vasquez, George Padilla, Bud Lomonaco, Phil Rodgers, Dave Byers,
Bill Santos, Dan Archie, Terry Handforth, Susie Anino (Permits Unit),
Craig Clifton, Dave Wysuph, Jaime Saldivar, Roberto Gonzalez,
Pete Scanlan

Ernie Alcantar
PBA President
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