

News and Announcements

AGREC Addresses Global Issues at the Local Level by Awarding over $100K to 11 Collaborative Projects this Year

The Atlanta Global Research & Education Collaborative (AGREC), launched in 2020 and housed within the Atlanta Global Studies Center (AGSC), has awarded $105,000 to support eleven projects during the 2022-23 Academic Year.

The awarded projects are led by faculty teams working with community partners to address a wide range of global issues. Each team consists of faculty from at least two AGREC institutions and at least one community partner.

AGREC is comprised of units from six university partners: AGSC, a consortium of Georgia Tech and Georgia State University; Emory University’s Office of Global Strategy and Initiatives; Agnes Scott College’s SUMMIT Center for Global Learning and Leadership Development; Spelman College’s Gordon Zeto Center for Global Education; and Kennesaw State University’s (KSU) Division of Global Affairs. AGREC welcomes additional Higher Education partners to join the initiative.

Through effective multi-institutional collaboration, AGREC bolsters global engagement in the region by supporting “global at home” projects that empower students, faculty, and community partners to use research, education, and action to address global issues. Since its 2020 launch, AGREC has supported 26 collaborative, interdisciplinary research and education projects with a focus on community engagement and global issues. Read about the awarded projects that will be implemented during Academic Year 2022-23.

Inaugural Publication Discusses Internationalization at HBCUs

Arabic Teachers Council of the South Continues to Support Arabic Instruction in the Region

The Arabic Teachers Council of the South has been awarded another generous grant from Qatar Foundation International (QFI) to provide training and professional development to Arabic teachers in the region this academic year. Priorities this year are to launch an Arabic Teacher Professional Development Grant Program, offer Arabic language assessment training, host an ATCS Networking Event at Alif Institute, organize a regional Arabic K16 Teacher Training Workshop at Amana Academy in Spring 2023, and expand membership. If you would like to join the Arabic Teachers Council of the South, please complete this form.

AGSC Founding Co-Director Invited to Renowned Scholar Program

Dr. Tony Lemieux, was invited to Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)’s School of Continuing Education Renowned Scholar Programme. The Renowned Scholar Programme was established to promote research culture and quality within Hong Kong Baptist’s School of Continuing Education (SCE). Renowned Scholars provide training, guidance and mentorship to SCE teaching staff.

Dr. Lemieux will facilitate a training entitled, “How Does the Spark of an Idea Grow into the Flame of Innovation in Research and Teaching?” on Wednesday, December 7th. The training will explore where ideas for research come from, how to develop ideas into research projects that form the basis for a program of research, and how to build interdisciplinary collaborations that create opportunities for discovery.

Upcoming Events

Save the Date: Atlanta Global Studies Symposium

2023 Georgia Council for International Visitors, Dunwoody
Great Decisions Lecture Series (Virtual)
February 2 - March 23, 2023

The 2023 Dunwoody Great Decisions Lecture Series, presented in partnership with the Atlanta Global Studies Center, will take place virtually every Thursday at 7:30 PM from February 2 to March 23, 2023. Registration is required (complimentary for Attaché+ members). Non-member registration: $30-$50 for 8 lectures. Learn more.

Topics (Speakers will be announced in January):
Energy Geopolitics
War Crimes
China and the U.S.
Economic Warfare
Politics in Latin America
Global Famine
Iran at a Crossroads
Climate Migration

Read topic descriptions here.

Global Atlanta: The Consular Conversations Series

Join Global Atlanta for the next two luncheon interviews in the Consular Conversations series presented by Miller & Martin PLLC.

Wednesday, December 7: Netherlands Consul General Luncheon

Jaap (Jacob) Veerman, Consul General, Netherlands, is the senior Netherlands government representative in the Southeast United States responsible for relations with the states of Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Alabama. He leads a team working to promote NL-US trade and investment, support Dutch nationals, conduct public diplomacy on key issues, and build scientific and research co-operation.


Wednesday, January 18: Brazil Consul General Luncheon

Luís Cláudio Villafañe Gomes Santos, diplomat, historian and biographer was born in Rio de Janeiro on September 18, 1960. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Brasilia and a bachelor’s degree in Diplomacy from Rio Branco Institute (Brazilian diplomatic academy). He also has graduate studies in Political Science at New York University, a master’s and a doctorate in History from the University of Brasilia.

As a diplomat, he served at the Brazilian Financial Office in New York (1990-1994), at several Brazilian Embassies including Mexico City (1994-1996), Washington (2000-2003), Montevideo (2003-2006) and Quito (2006-2010). He also served at the Brazilian Mission to the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (2010-2014), in Lisbon. He was Ambassador of Brazil to Nicaragua from 2017 to 2022. In the present day he is the Consul General of Brazil in Atlanta (USA). He is the author of several books about Brazil’s foreign relations history. He has published several articles in journals in Brazil, United States, Europe and Latin America, including one in the collection “História General de América Latina”, published by UNESCO. He is married to Sabrina Duque and the father of four children.


Cost: $20 per event, or $50 for an annual pass to all monthly Consular Conversations

Student Opportunities

Virtual Positive Impact Program

The Positive Impact Program is an eight-week global project-based virtual learning experience. Bringing together students from all around the globe, the program challenges participants to develop innovative solutions for purpose-driven organizations throughout Brazil in a dynamic consulting-style format.

Program Dates: March 13-May 8, 2023

Application Deadline: February 22, 2023

Apply Here.

Free spots are available for underrepresented students from Georgia State University. Students who successfully complete the program receive an “International Experience” digital badge from the sponsor, CampusB. Info Sessions will be announced in January. For more information, email

Arab American Leadership Program

NNAAC is excited to announce the second year of our Arab American Leadership Program! The program is open to graduate students, recent graduates, juniors and seniors in undergraduate programs who identify as Arab American and are interested in public policy work. Stipends are provided to those in the program, and placements are available both at the federal level in Washington, D.C. and at the state level in Michigan. Learn more about the program and apply.

The application for Summer 2023 will close on December 30th, 2022. Reach out to Kira Love at with any questions.

Federal Scholarship and Internship Opportunities

Gilman-McCain Scholarship: Provides undergraduate students whose parent or guardian is active duty or activated military personnel at the time of application; provides funding to study or intern abroad. Application Deadline: January 3, 2023

Rangel Summer Enrichment Program: Six-week summer program that prepares undergraduate students for careers in international affairs. Applicants from underrepresented communities with strong academic backgrounds and a commitment to service are strongly encouraged to apply. Application Deadline: February 15, 2023

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship: Provides undergraduate students of limited financial means (Pell Grant Recipients) funding to study or intern abroad. Application Deadline: March 9, 2023

Fulbright: Provides grants to graduating college seniors, graduate students, young professionals, and artists to pursue graduate or professional studies, conduct research, or teach English abroad for up to one academic year. Application Opens: April 2023.

Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS): Part-time, virtual internships with flexible schedules. Interns can partner with Department of State diplomatic posts overseas and domestic offices, as well as other agencies. All VSFS interns are unpaid and volunteer ten hours a week from September to May. Application Opens: July 2023.

Critical Language Scholarship (CLS): Offers opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in U.S.- based degree programs to learn one of 15 languages through immersive study abroad institutes each summer. Next Application Deadline: November 2023.

U.S. Department of State Student Internship Program: Paid internships offered during the fall, spring, and summer semesters in Washington, D.C. and at U.S. embassies and consulates overseas. Interns will receive GS-04 pay level, including transportation/housing expenses. Applicants must have completed at least 60 credit hours at an accredited university at the start of the internship, have at least a 3.2 GPA, and be enrolled in school the semester immediately following the internship. Vacancies are on a rolling basis.

U.S. Foreign Service Internship Program (USFSIP): Merit and needs-based opportunity available to undergraduate sophomore and junior students with a 3.2 GPA or higher. The program provides two paid internships in consecutive summers. The first will be in Washington, D.C. and the second one will be at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad. Interns will receive pay at the GS-04 level and transportation/housing expenses. Vacancies are on a rolling basis.

Pathways Internship Program: Offers paid employment for students while they attend school. Applicants must be at least 16 years old and enrolled or accepted as a student (full-time or part-time) in a qualifying high school, vocational school, undergraduate or graduate program, with a GPA of at least 2.0. Vacancies are on a rolling basis.

Colin Powell Leadership Program Internship: The Colin Powell Leadership Program recruits highly motivated individuals from a variety of backgrounds who aspire to and possess the potential to become future Civil Service leaders in the Department. The program provides paid internships to students who are enrolled at accredited institutions of higher education. Vacancies are on a rolling basis.

Other Opportunities

Build Your University’s International and Language Library Collections!

Are you or your department in need of library resources on global, world area, or country-specific content? Would you like to add foreign language resources to the library collection? As a National Resource Center, the Atlanta Global Studies Center builds international studies, area studies, and world languages library collections at Georgia Tech and Georgia State University. Please send your requests for books, journals, and digital resources to Diana Wrenn Rapp.

Become a Faculty Affiliate of the Atlanta Global Studies Center

The Atlanta Global Studies Center invites faculty from any college or department of Georgia State University or Georgia Institute of Technology to express their interest in affiliation. All members of the faculty, as well as academic program and administrative officers, are eligible for affiliation. To express your interest, please complete this short form.

AGSC Partner News

Article Traces the Last Five Years of Education for Sustainable Development Conducted through the Global Action Programme (GAP)

Vaughter, P., Noguchi, F., and Li, S. (2022). Minding the GAP: An overview of five years of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) projects under the Global Action Programme (GAP) within Regional Centres of Expertise (RCEs) on ESD. Frontiers in Sustainability.

In this article, an overview and analysis of activities from RCEs around the globe is offered to provide some trend analysis for topics and modalities of ESD projects conducted during the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD which ran from 2015 to 2019. This empirical analysis can serve as a record of where the Global RCE Network has been over the 5 years of the GAP, where it is now, and where it may wish to go in the future.

RCE Americas Meeting 2022: Key Takeaways for Greater Atlanta
Tuesday, December 6, 1-2pm

Come hear key takeaways from the RCE Americas Annual Meeting that took place at Salisbury University, Maryland in October. Learn about opportunities for engaging with the Global RCE network. All are welcome, including new and prospective members.

Click here to join the Microsoft Teams meeting
Meeting ID: 297 642 185 681
Passcode: d6tBF4

SDG Futures Fellows (2022-2023)
Congratulations to the first class of SDG Futures Fellows! We are excited to go on a journey with this cohort as they learn more about sustainable development and equity, focused on the Greater Atlanta region. The 27 Fellows represent a wide variety of backgrounds, coming to the program from 9 Greater Atlanta Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with experience in more than 20 different disciplines. We look forward to hearing the ideas generated by the coming together of so many enthusiastic young minds. Learn more about the program.

Amani Allen-Beale (She/Her) - Environmental Science and Law - Georgia Gwinnett College
William Barnes (He/Him) - Economics and Biology - Morehouse College
Jiaqi Chen (He/Him) - Environmental Science- Emory University
Julie Chen - Architecture - Georgia Tech
Gabriela Citino (She/Her) - International Affairs- Kennesaw State University
Charles DeWitt (He/Him) - Sociology and Environmental Economics - University of Georgia
Adair Garrett (She/Her) - Civil Engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology
Lavanya Hariharan (She/Her) - Civil Engineering - University of Georgia
Numaiya Hasan (She/Her/They/Them) - Industrial Engineering and Data Science - Georgia Institute of Technology
Md Jobair Hossain Faruk (Jobair) - Software Engineering - Kennesaw State University
Agnes Iwaye (She/Her) - International Development - Georgia State University
Abigail Lauterbach (She/Her) - Sustainable Food Systems - University of Georgia
Miles Leecost (He/ Him) - Economics - Morehouse College
Severine Louis (She/Her) - Global Studies and Computer Information Systems - Georgia State University
Eugene Mafah (He/Him) - Political Science, International Affairs, and Law - Georgia State University
Isabel Medrano-Cervantes (She/Her) - Environmental Science - Georgia Gwinnett College
Dinesh Meka (His) - Information Technology - Kennesaw State University
Suly Morel (She\Her) - Environmental Science - Georgia Gwinnett College
Kathy Nguyen (She/Her) - Environmental Engineering - University of Georgia
Claire Patrick (She/Her) - City and Regional Planning - Georgia Institute of Technology
Thailer Ragland (He/Him) - Physics and Mathematics - Morehouse College
Mohena Singh (She/Her) - Health Science and Public Health - Georgia Gwinnett College
Chandler Spaulding (She/Her) - International Development and Global Policy - Agnes Scott College
Fatima Tarawally (She/Her) - International Economics and Law - Georgia Gwinnett College
Nicholas Tsangarides (He/Him) - Biology - Georgia Gwinnett College
Fayola Waithe (She/Her) - Anthropology and Sustainability - Agnes Scott College
Daniel Zhao (He/Him) - Finance and Management Information Systems - University of Georgia


International Education Week

International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of State highlights the value of global and cultural competencies and promotes programs that help U.S. students and teachers develop global skills for success in the 21st century.

In celebration of IEW at Georgia State University, 3196 participants attended a variety of virtual and in-person events that took place across all GSU campuses.

Over 300 participants attended the Global Career Series, co-sponsored by The Atlanta Global Studies Center, the Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research, GSU’s Study Abroad Programs, and the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Career Services. If you missed the Global Career Series during International Education Week , all recordings can be found on the Atlanta Global Studies Center YouTube Channel.

Over 1,000 students, faculty, and staff participated in “Discover Asia” at Perimeter College, another event co-sponsored by the Atlanta Global Studies Center. The event featured stunning exhibits on Asia, a virtual activity, and an Asia speaker series.

In all, Perimeter College (PC) hosted 47 IEW events, attracting over 2000 participants. The PC campus leads who made these IEW 2022 such an astounding success were Eric Kendrick (Dunwoody), Veronique Barnes and Avi Suhku (Clarkston), Stephanie Langston (Newton), Gladys Boling (Decatur), Scott Mitchell (Online).