Hi all,
To get the Holiday Season in gear, a greeting from PBA member Steve Mello (Assoc. Mt. View PD):
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!
Nice attendance of retirees at the Keith Kelley Christmas dinner/dance held this past Saturday at Hayes Mansion.
Happy birthday to the December celebrants! I will conduct the gift card drawing and announce the winners later this week.

Pat Boyd, Curtis Jackson, Danny Vasquez, Jorge Gonzalez,
George Padilla, Ernie Alcantar, Jim Becknall, Armando Realyvasquez

Tony Rodriquez, Gordy Bowen, Ed Zarate, Pete Scanlan, John Tepoorten,
Pat Boyd, Matt McLinden
Brian Hyland and Emerald Society Band Members

Phil Rodgers, Chaplain Bryan Allen, Mike Alford

Felipe Flores, Rene Retuta, Pete Salvi, Ernie Hernandez

Steve Caraway, Mike Richmond

Bryan Allen, Gordy Bowen, Jim Becknall, Pete Scanlan, Tom Katherman

John Quinn, Jim Spence

Buck De Mers, Brian Bennert, Bob Kosovilka

Justin Holliday, Mike Richmond

Darrell Cortez, Roberto Gonzalez
Ernie Alcantar
PBA President