Application Period for CAF Grants Now Open
 For 37 years, the Culture & Animals Foundation has provided grants to scholars, performers, and artists to further the case for animal rights. CAF is pleased to announce that the application period is now open, until January 31, 2023. Our grants are given in three categories: research, creativity, and performance.
You can access the application form here, and read our guidelines and requirements here. FAQs are here; and successful grantees from 2008 to 2021 can be found here. CAF's 2022 grantees are shown left.
Nomination Period for the 2023 Regan Arts Prize Now Open
 In 2021, CAF instituted an annual arts prize to honor our co-founder Nancy Regan (seen with her husband and CAF co-founder, Tom Regan), for her contribution to CAF and the arts. Previous winners include Joan Chan Wing Yan and Sue Coe. The prize is given to an individual or team who applied that year for a CAF grant, or an individual or team who have produced an outstanding body of work in support of animal rights. All genres of art—including performance, dance, music, craft, film, and the visual arts—are open for consideration. The application period for 2023 is now open, until January 31, 2023. Nominators for the outstanding body of work should submit a letter of recommendation to admin@cultureandanimals.org. The letter should contain reasons why the artist should be given the award, relevant websites, social media handles, other awards the artist has received, and reviews of the artist's work.
Leslie Ruckman on Birds, Cities, and the Seeds of Survival
 CAF Associate Brooke Rucker interviewed researcher and designer Leslie Ruckman, who with CAF grantee Gal Nissim recently showcased "For the Birds: An Edible Workshop" at Pioneer Works in New York—a follow-up to their 2021 piece " Swan Song." In the interview, Leslie talks about how wildness and domestication shade into one another in urban settings, the birds killed when they collide with windows in the city, and how her and Gal's seed sculpture fed migrating birds and allowed them to participate in the creative act. Read the interview here, and watch the interview with Leslie here.
Think of CAF In Your End-of-Year Giving
 CAF would not be able to assist our amazing grantees and associates without the generosity of people like you. We hope you'll consider donating to us via the button below. We realize, of course, that many thousands of worthy charities are asking the same. We hope, however, that CAF's unique position at the intersection of the arts, animal advocacy, and scholarship energizes your activism, stimulates your thinking, and fires your imagination. We should also add that Meta is matching monthly donations to CAF until the end of the year. Click here to donate.
Please consider contributing to the Culture & Animals Foundation to help us enable other artists, scholars, and advocates to raise awareness about animal rights.