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RFP to Develop 9 Falmouth Street, Rumford

The Town of Rumford will be accepting proposals for the purchase and redevelopment of the vacant land located at 9 Falmouth Street and shown on Map 113 Lot 308 of the Town tax maps (“the property”) along with all rights and interest in the land at the same location. Read more.

Support LIHTC Expansion & Reforms- ACT TODAY with One Click

Lawmakers are negotiating an FY2023 spending deal. Congress can also pass an end-of-the-year tax extenders package that can expand and reform LIHTC.  Contact your members of Congress and use the pre-written email to urge them to expand and reform LIHTC to better serve extremely low-income households. We know we are short 20,000 units of ELI housing in Maine. LIHTC is the primary funding source for financing affordable housing. LIHTC on its own is generally insufficient to fund homes for the lowest incomes. Reforms would:
  • Expand the ELI basis boost to 50% for housing developments when at least 20% of units are set aside for households with ELI or homelessness
  • Set aside 8% of tax credits to help offset the cost to build ELI developments where at least 20% of units are reserved for households with ELI or homelessness.
  • Designate tribal and rural communities as “Difficult to Develop Areas (DDAs)” to make them automatically eligible for a 30% basis boost and make it more financially feasible for developers to build affordable homes in these communities. 

MAHC HOMEforME Advocacy Platform 2023: Housing Bond, Zoning Reforms, and more

If you haven't seen our HOMEforME policy platform to increase investment in affordable housing, reform zoning to increase equity and access to housing, support implementation of LD2003, and use existing developed properties for housing, click here.

We Need More Office to Residential Conversions. Up For Growth Policy Brief 

As policymakers, advocates, developers, and households seek answers to this crisis, many are questioning whether office buildings in downtowns, newly vacant from pandemic-induced changes in office attendance, could provide much needed housing in job-rich, transit-served areas. Building from the proposed Revitalizing Downtowns Act, sponsored by Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) in 2021, this policy brief asks why there are so few office-to-residential conversion projects, identifies some frequently occurring challenges with these projects, and analyzes office vacancies in Denver, CO. Read more

New! Landlord Liaison Program in Penobscot/Piscataquis

Community Health and Counseling Services (CHCS) in collaboration with the City of Bangor and supported by grant funding from MaineHousing is implementing a program to meet the housing needs of people experiencing homelessness in Penobscot and Piscataquis counties, with a focus on those experiencing unsheltered homelessness. Read more

Report: Using Economies of Scale to Produce Starter Homes

Too little entry-level housing is being produced in most markets across the country. In many places, homeownership is all but out of reach for many working-class and even middle-income families. Large-lot zoning and other regulatory barriers, increases in land and construction costs that are outpacing inflation, and rising interest rates all create barriers to building starter homes. From 2019 to 2021 alone, the price of existing single-family homes rose 30%. Read more.


NLIHC Report: Serving Native American Households Using ERA: Learning from High-Spending Programs

NLIHC and the United Native American Housing Association (UNAHA) released today a new report, Serving Native American Households Using ERA: Learning from High-Spending Programs. The report investigates the unique characteristics of high-spending emergency rental assistance (ERA) programs administered by Native American Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs). 

NLIHC 2023 Call for Nominations - Organizing Awards 

NLIHC will honor two organizations at their March 2023 Policy Forum with annual Organizing Awards to recognize their achievements in statewide, local, and/or resident organizing.. If your organization achieved a major organizing victory this year, we encourage you to apply for NLIHC’s 2023 Organizing Awards. Organizations may self-nominate, or you can nominate a partner organization that you would like to see recognized for their work. Special consideration will be given to organizations that elevate tenant leadership and prioritize racial equity. Nominations are due on Friday, December 16.

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