Welcome to

KAMG eNews

News & events from Kent Advanced Motorcyclists Group


Heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in the successful running of KAMG, observers, trainers, those behind the scenes - and the staff at the Kentagon! As Tina said, together we can do wonderful things when we all give a little. Wishing a great Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to all!

Winter riding

KAMG/IAM RoadSmart set an example to others and that includes knowing when not to venture out on a motorcycle!  If there is a chance of fog, severe flooding, snow, icy roads and the temperature is lower than 4 degrees Celsius, then it is unwise to take a chance. Wind chill can also have a detrimental effect on a rider.
Whilst a rainy day should not be an issue, there is no point in riding in very heavy rain, particularly when coupled with high wind. We are here to enjoy our riding NOT endure it. If you are not happy to ride in the prevailing conditions, then please say so.

Observers and/or Run Leaders may decide to curtail or cancel a ride/event in the event of an extreme weather warning/forecast, so please keep a regular check for updates on Tracker.

We’re all about road safety – not an emergency service!

MCN winter tips

Motorcycle news have a series of tips for riding in wintry conditions - click here to learn more.

Mission impossible?

A frankly jaw-dropping behind-the-scenes nine-minute video, looking at upcoming movie 'Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning'. Tom Cruise prepares for an incredible stunt featuring a motorcycle, a massive ramp and an extremely high mountain in Norway. Well worth a look (assuming you have a good head for heights...). Click here for the video.

It's a cracker!

Some truly awful Christmas cracker jokes - apologies to anyone with a sense of humour...

What kind of a bike do cows prefer?  Cowasaki moo-torcycles.

What kind of a motorcycle do pirates ride? Aaarrrrrrley Davidson.

Just bought a wooden motorcycle. It has a wooden frame, wooden handle bars, wooden wheels and a wooden seat. Only problem is, it wooden start.

I love my motorcycle – it’s great for getting to the front of queues quicker. Terrifies the other people in the Post Office though.

A motorcycling vicar was riding his bike along the M25 toward the Dartford Crossing.

Suddenly he hears a booming voice, which proclaims, "I am God. Since you have been such a devout believer in me, I will grant you a wish."

The vicar thinks for a minute and responds, "Well, God, I love to ride my motorcycle but hate filtering through traffic approaching the Dartford Crossing. So I wish for a new multi-lane bridge across the Thames."

God answers, "I will grant this wish, if it's what you truly want. But perhaps consider a less material wish that could benefit all of mankind."

The vicar thinks it over for another minute and says, "Aha! I've got it. Much of my work involves marital counselling. I wish for men to be able to understand women, to know what they want and how they feel, to understand what really goes on in a woman's mind."

God was silent for a few moments, then replied, "Did you want eight lanes or ten on that bridge?"

December's group rides

Friday 30 December: Rolvenden round trip

All details on KAMG Tracker.

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They can subscribe by clicking here.

Mental health

Covid and lockdown has affected the nation's mental health greatly over the last year. Mental Health Motorbike exists to provide support and to grow the greater wellbeing of the motorbike community. MHM is now a UK registered charity. Read more here.

KAMG Hi-viz jackets

KAMG-badged hi-viz jackets have reflective strips, large side pockets as well as a clear breast pocket, phone and pen pockets, they are wonderful value at only £12.00, subsidised by KAMG. Click here to contact KAMG's regalia man Paul Ashwin to order.

Keep in touch


An increasing amount of club information is circulated via the KAMG social media accounts - particularly Facebook, but also Twitter and WhatsApp.

KAMG members-only group (you'll need to your membership number to register) -

KAMG public group (anyone can join) -


To join KAMG on WhatsApp, please post your request on the KAMG Facebook page or contact one of the following KAMG WhatsApp Admins to get access to the group:

    Chris Bennett - 07971 720736
    Martin Cargill - 07766 206602
    Paul Aspinall - 07912 659431


If there are any users in the Group wanting to add posts on behalf of KAMG who use Instagram or Twitter, please contact Tony Young and help build up our presence on these social platforms. Click here to email Tony.

KAMG needs YOU

We are always looking for fresh input. Currently we are particularly looking for help with Green Badge Holders and Observers to help plan and run KAMG social and training runs when they resume.

Please contact Tina Underwood or Joe Mair if you can help.


The editors of Riders magazine and e-News are always looking for 'stuff' to fill our pages. We want to hear about your days out, reviews, tips and motorcycle related activities so we can let others know. And if you are organising an activity and want it publicised, please email the KAMG web site and e-News editor:


Of course everyone has the right to unsubscribe from emailed newsletters. However, KAMG will be using eNews to stay in touch in order to keep members informed of KAMG news, rides, events and offers. If you unsubscribe you may miss out on an important line of communication. KAMG will only send out occasional emails and will never pass on your details.
Please note that the views expressed in this newsletter or in any linked articles or web pages may not be the official views of the KAMG or of the IAM.
Copyright © 2022 KAMG c/o IAM, All rights reserved.

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