
Admiral Farragut Academy Alumni and Development Department
While the holiday season is typically celebrated with many traditions, it also marks for some the season of exams, the stress of the Christmas rush of shopping, Hanukkah decorations, the exchange of gifts and many parties to attend. As we approach the end of the first semester, may we all take a moment to pause, and reflect upon the many joys we have witnessed.
The community of Admiral Farragut Academy has been fortunate this fall to witness a wonderful array of student achievements. Not only have we experienced success in the classroom, in the fine arts and on the fields and courts of play, but in the lives of those who have witnessed a dynamic faculty and student body eager to display their talents in a variety of disciplines—academically, athletically, artistically, and musically.
Some of the highlights for me include, classroom visits, the cross-country, volleyball and swimming events, early college acceptances, STEM night in the lower school, community service projects at every division of our school, Veterans Day, student leadership, being taken up in a Cessna piloted by a student, soccer and basketball games, and working with a dedicated team of professional educators eager to fulfill the mission of our school. These are just a few examples that easily come to mind.
Providing “a college preparatory environment that promotes academic excellence, leadership skills, and character and social development among a diverse community of students,” is our goal.  And it can only be achieved if we partner together to fulfill the mission of our school. As we look back and recall the many accomplishments of our school community this fall, let us remember that we are only half-way through the academic year—there is much more to do!
Finally, please consider a financial gift to our Farragut Fund according to your means-we treasure, and value your voluntary support for your alma mater and its programs. 
On behalf of your alma mater, we wish you and yours a joyous, and wonderful Holiday with your family and friends and we hope to see you in January 19 - 21st at the Alumni Homecoming weekend.

Blessings to all,
Kevin J. Lockerbie
Interim Head of School

Wishing you a holiday filled with peace and joy.


With gratitude,

Alumni and Development Department
Homecoming is only 30 Days AWAY!  Register Today
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