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Afrinspire celebrated it's 20th Anniversary on 10th December.  Since 2002 over £4.5 million has reached the people of East Africa. This has directly supported development initiatives raising many many thousands of people out of poverty. We've honed our experience on how to achieve maximum impact through initiatives led by local people.
We want to thank everyone who took part recently in the Big Give 2022 and helped us reach our target of £36,000. This will help us over the coming year to support our partners and communities with a particular focus on women and girls.
Rose, who is our partner leading the women's FAL programme, has sent us a Christmas greeting. "Fondly hoping that the loveliness of Christmas colours each day of your New Year with special happiness.  May the Lord bless you with joy and cheer at Christmas and in the New Year."
We operate from an office in Cambridge, a city which is awash with so many active churches it is difficult to count them all. One in the centre of Cambridge produced a video especially for last Sundays Carol Service and we share it here with an acknowledgement to the worship team at Holy Trinity Church. Released on YouTube during the past week.
ISINGERO LADIES win 2nd prize
at local trade show
The ladies were proud to show off their handicrafts, bio-char briquettes and stoves at this annual agribusiness expo event in Isingero this month. All these products are an outcome of their Functional Adult Literacy Group, one of fourteen established by Afrinspire in the Isingero District.  Afrinspire is currently planning how to spread the bio-char briquette manufacturing around its network. If you are interested in sponsoring this process please email us and help save the environment.
Our network at work
Last week a call went out from one of our partners for 50 tonnes of maize corn. Amazingly it was located within a few hours and this is the first 10 tonnes setting off to where it was needed.

One of the recognised pillars of poverty is ignorance. The opposite is knowledge and sharing knowledge is the vision of Uganda Development Services to bring development to the Kamuli District.  Launched in 2002, the Kamuli Business Centre was the first place to provide computer training, internet and email in the town of Kamuli.  Kamuli is now awarded city status and there are small computer service shops on every street and side-street with everyone trained by UDS!. 
In December the Centre was chosen by mobile phone company MTN to be hosts to the Connecting Communities Training Bus offering free digital literacy training.  UDS publicised the training and attracted people to come for  training.  Those who attended during the week came together at the UDS Centre today for a certificate presentation by the Kamuli District Education Officer.  Well done to UDS for organising and achieving so much.
If you missed the Big Give and would still like to donate this Christmastime, you can do this through Paypal Giving UK. The full amount you donate will come to Afrinspire with no deductions. Find our donation page here.
We still have some delightful African cloth animals made by Stella and Christine and traded fairly.  There is no time to receive them for Christmas because of the postal strike but if you would like to buy one or two please email us and we will make arrangements. Tiny elephants cost £3 and large elephants, hippo or giraffes cost £5. We don't have any zebras left. Email us if interested.
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