BREAKING NEWS! New Quorum Sense website launched!
"Hey folks, we've just launched a new website for Quorum Sense! The focus is on better reflecting the important role our community and networks play in this regen journey we're all on. That means not just easier access to our content, but also contact details for regen groups in your area, more information about the people we feature, and a place for our growing library of useful resources and regen knowledge topics. It'll evolve continuously, so let us know if there's content we're missing that you think would help support others". - Nick Tucker
Kaipara Regenerative Farming Group: field day report
"We had a successful field day on December 6th, our first Kaipara Regenerative Farming Group meeting. Plenty of people turned up and there was good discussion on a variety of regen principles. I would like to thank Quorum Sense for all their help putting the day together plus Sue Cumberworth and her awesome help on the day. I will be working on an annual calendar for future events and will keep you posted. There were a couple of people interested in hosting the next event at their properties so I will be in contact at some stage to discuss". - Stephen Newman
"This was the first meeting of a new group and discussions were had about what people would like from the group in the future, and the events and farm visits they could hold to achieve this. The group plans to meet 2 monthly and will prepare an annual calendar for 2023. Keep an eye on their Facebook group and the Quorum Sense website". - Sue Cumberworth
Kaipara Regenerative Agriculture page on QS website

Podcast #24 - Foundations of a resilient farming system with Hamish Bielski
South Otago farmer Hamish Bielski sheds light on how and why his marriage sits at the heart of their resilient sheep and beef system.
Managing expectations has been key in Hamish’s journey so far. He is unattached to doing the same thing year-on-year, authentically sharing what hasn’t worked, and highlighting the innovation and opportunity that arises from failing.
Listen to the episode here

Webinar - Dec'22: City to Farm compost project rolling out through Kaipara Regen Ag group
In this webinar we hear from Stephan Newman and Phil & Jenny Grainger from the Kaipara Regen Ag group who are involved with the City to Farm composting project lead by Betsy Kettle.
This is followed by a Q&A session.
Follow this link to the full webinar
Podcast #25 - Looking outside the square with Adam Rivett
Previously a school principle, Adam Rivett shares how he had to look outside the square to make his 64ha sheep and beef farm in Canterbury economic.
Among other farming enterprises, a family-run on-farm butchery was opened five months ago. And in 2022 received the New Zealand Sausage Award for Best Traditional Beef Sausage.
Adam is someone who’s created a farming schedule to fit his lifestyle and context. He says you don’t need to have the shiny shoes to make something happen and have it work. It’s the realness of your story that people care about!
Listen to the episode here

From Jono, Deane, Chloë, Nick, Greer, Sam and Sue, the QS team wish you a very happy Xmas and safe, enjoyable and importantly, productive new year.
Merry Xmas
Ngā mihi,
The Quorum Sense Extension Team