Building a 21st century infrastructure for monitoring inequality, developing policy, and training a new generation of leaders


A New Crisis Monitoring Report

Although the ways in which Black and white people talk about race has long differed, the protests of 2020 may be seen as a wedge event that sharpened this conversational divide. For white respondents, the protests were a call to awareness, whereas nonwhite respondents saw the protests as a call to action.

Corey D. Fields, Rahsaan Mahadeo, Lisa Hummel, Sara Moore 
Ending Poverty In California

What would it take to build a just and inclusive economy in California? Here’s a new roadmap that sets out to answer that question.

David B. Grusky, Sara Kimberlin, Alessandra Rister Portinari Maranca, Charles Varner

News and Opportunities

IRP Extramural Large Grants

The IRP seeks to fund policy-relevant research in three programmatic areas of interest to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Integrating substance use services and human services programs; facilitating access to multiple programs; and social-emotional development and mental health. The letter of intent is due on Jan. 10, 2023.


Dissertation Award Research On Poverty And Economic Mobility  

The IRP invites dissertators to apply to its poverty and economic mobility program. The awards will support dissertators in groups that are underrepresented in academia.

Summer Research Positions at the Center on Poverty and Inequality

The CPI seeks highly motivated undergraduate research fellows to join our research team this summer. Fellows train in quantitative and/or qualitative methods and work in collaboration with faculty and researchers on active Center research projects. The full-time research stipend expects engagement of 40 hours/week. Candidates may send a resume and cover letter, including discussion of learning objectives and research skills, to by January 31, 2022.

Featured Research

A selection of poverty and inequality papers recently released by CPI affiliates

US State Policy Contexts and Mortality of Working-age Adults
Jennifer Karas Montez, Nader Mehri, Shannon M. Monnat, Jason Beckfield, Derek Chapman, Jacob M. Grumbach, Mark D. Hayward, Steven H. Woolf, Anna Zajacova – PLoS ONE

Surviving in Crisis Mode: The Effect of Material Hardship and Social Support on Emotional Wellbeing Among People in Poverty During COVID-19
Alisa C. Lewin, Michal Shamai, Sharon Novikov – Social Indicators Research

Personal Harm from the Covid-19 Pandemic Predicts Advocacy for Equality
Hannah J. Birnbaum, Andrea G. Dittmann, Nicole M. Stephens, Ellen C. Reinhart, Rebecca M. Carey, Hazel Rose Markus – Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Administrative Burdens and Child Medicaid Enrollments
Iris Arbogast, Anna Chorniy & Janet Currie – NBER
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A research center in the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences at Stanford University, the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality is partly supported by the Ballmer Group, the Blue Shield of California Foundation, the Elfenworks Foundation, the Koret Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, Stanford Impact Labs, and WorkRise.

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