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Heidi shares about the beauty of Jesus coming to earth from Isaiah.

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In October, Iris Alumni made an immediate response to help those impacted by Hurricane Ian. As we met with people in the middle of their rubble and devastation, we entered into a place of awe…we saw the intercessions of Heidi and those at the Family Gathering in Nashville intersecting with the cries of the people coming out of Southwest Florida.  Our alumni were that point of contact, God’s tangible answer.  Neighbor after neighbor would claim our hands-on help as God’s literal answer to what they had just prayed.  We gutted/repaired homes, helped people move, cleaned debris out of yards, handed out supplies/food/water, worshiped in parking lots, prayed in the streets, held cookouts, and listened/hugged/cried with people who lost everything they had. An Iris Alumni team was on-site for one month after the hurricane, and alumni continue to volunteer there as they become available.  They are plugging into the same locations and following up with the same neighborhoods to keep an ongoing presence for as long as possible.  A local ministry has recently committed to help with our follow up long term.

  • Strength and provision for our team in Pemba to serve those impacted by ongoing violence
  • The documentary film Nifento continues to create awareness and prayer support for the crisis in norther Mozambique 
  • Please lift up Musy Hart, wife of Will Hart, as she faces another battle with cancer. Jesus paid for our healing on the cross!
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