It has been said that the phrase “Fear Not” (or some variation of that) appears 365 times in Scripture. Whether or not that is true (and honestly I haven’t counted it myself) it still underlines a very important message: we do not need to be afraid.
This phrase is very prominent in the Christmas narrative. The angel Gabriel said to Mary, “Don’t be afraid, Mary.” (Luke 1:30) The angel of the Lord told Joseph, “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.” The angel of the Lord said to the shepherds, “Don’t be afraid.” (Luke 2:10).
There are many things which can cause us to be fearful in this day and age. There is fear of a recession. Fear of inflation. Fear of war. On a personal level, fears can overwhelm us as well. There can be fear of loss, fear of sickness, fear of death. The message of Christmas speaks to all of those fears. Jesus has come and He is alive! He told us, “Lo, I am with you always.”
May you have a glorious and wonderful, faith-filled Christmas!
Pastor James Bredeson
Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations
Greetings from CALC's National Council
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.(John 3:16)
God gave us His Son on the first Christmas Eve. A new life came into the world that changed it and its destiny. He changed our destiny. "O Come let us adore him..... Christ the Lord!"
2022 is, as they say, history and 2023 lays before us, a mystery. We thank God for guiding us through 2022 and are confident of His leading in 2023.
We wish you all a blessed Christmas season and pray that God will continue to richly bless you in the New Year!
Photo taken at September National Council Meeting. Pictured above from left to right: Fred Schickedanz, Vice President; Rev. Dr. Eddie Kwok, Trustee; Tim Bauer, Trustee; Laurie Storsater, Elder; Sarah Dunphy, Administrative Coordinator; Rev. James Bredeson, President; Helen Zacharias, Treasurer; Rev. Sherland Chhangur, Elder; Rev. Hein Bertram, Secretary; Lowell Lovrod, Trustee.
First Call Retreat
The first CALC First Call Retreat will be held February 1-3, 2023 at the Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute (CLBI) in Camrose, Alberta.
This retreat is for pastors who have received a first call, have entered into their first call, those studying for the pastoral ministry and those who have experienced a call to ministry.
The faculty for the event will be:
John-Mark Bredeson, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Leader, Saskatchewan. He will be speaking on his first call experience and rural ministry.
Ted Hill, program director at CLBI. He will be speaking on young adult ministry.
Jane Mitchell, chaplain with Alberta Health Services at South Health Campus in Calgary. She will be speaking on clinical pastoral education.
Lucretia Van Ommeren Tabbert, pastor of Emmaus Lutheran Church in Edmonton.
Please encourage your pastor to attend!
Fees: There is no registration fee. However, participants are responsible for the costs of meals provided by CLBI (estimated at about $35.00 per day)
Accommodations: Registrants are responsible for arranging for accommodations.
If you are interested in registering for this event please contact Sarah Dunphy, Administrative Coordinator at:
If financial aid is necessary, please contact President Jim Bredeson at
2023 Annual Pastor's Retreat
2023 Annual Pastors’ Study Retreat
April 19-20
This year’s pastors' retreat will be held at Hastings Lake Bible Camp near Sherwood Park, AB. Hastings Lake hosted last years retreat. The retreat begins Wednesday April 19 and concludes with evening worship on Thursday April 20.
Retreat themes:
Growing the rural church.
Revitalizing the church.
Growing in diversity.
Presenters: Rev. Terry Forke, President, Montana District, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, “Growing the Rural Church” (Pictured top right)
Rev. John Albiston, Effectiveness Coach, Alberta-Northwest Territories District, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, “Revitalizing the Church.” (Pictured top left)
Rev. Lucretia Van Ommeren Tabbert, Pastor, Emmaus Lutheran Edmonton, “Growing in Diversity.” (Pictured bottom left)
Check our website for more details on the pastors' retreat as they become available. Click on the "Events" tab in the navigation pane on our Home page, and scroll down.
2023 Annual General Convention
This year’s general convention will be held at a venue in the Edmonton, Alberta area. The convention begins Friday April 21 and concludes on Saturday April 22.
Convention themes:
Growing the Rural Church. Rev. Terry Forke, President, Montana District, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Revitalizing the Church; Rev. John Albiston, Effectiveness Coach, Alberta-Northwest Territories District, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
Growing in Diversity. Rev. Lucretia Van Ommeren Tabbert, Pastor, Emmaus Lutheran Edmonton.
Check our website for more details on the convention as they become available. Click on the "Events" tab in the navigation pane on our Home page, and scroll down.
In Memory
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the peaceful passing of Pastor Loren Dale Hosfield on December 8, 2022, at the age of 79 years. Pastor Loren is survived by his sister Carol (Michael) Blair or Billings, Montana, Carol’s daughter-in-law Wendy Treglown and her children; Kira, Drew (Catherine); Tory Bond (Daniel), Allyssa Reese (Colton); Michael’s children; Shawn Blair (Chris) and Scott (Katherine) Blair; his close friends Yoka and Bob Redekop as well as Loren’s many friends throughout the world who loved and cherished him. He was predeceased by his mother Anita Hosfield and his father Clark Hosfield as well as his nephew Marc Treglown and Michael’s son Michael Blair.
Loren was born in Wolfpointe, Montana on October 4, 1943. He attended school there until grade four when his family moved to Minneapolis in 1953 and he finished his grade school education. He then continued his studies at the University of Minneapolis until he was drafted in to the U.S. Army and stationed in Bamberg, Germany. Upon returning home from the service, Loren followed his calling to become a Pastor. He attended North Western Lutheran Theological Seminary and was ordained on June 3, 1973, as a Lutheran Pastor. His first call was to Edenwald, Saskatchewan where he served several parishes for seven years. In 1980, he accepted a call to “Lord of Life” church in Edmonton where he ministered until 1989. At that time he accepted a call to Victory Lutheran Church in Medicine Hat where he served for nineteen years until retiring.
Pastor Loren loved geography, history and became a renowned traveler! His travels took him to many countries throughout the world. Numerous trips were made to Jerusalem, Israel, Jordan and Egypt. He would often plan tours for people to accompany him to the Holy Land...acting as “tour guide” for the trip. These were some of his favorite times.
Loren lived his life from his “heart”. The church was his home and he would spend endless hours there! The doors were always open to each and everyone always being welcomed with open arms by Pastor Loren. Many community groups were active and held functions and meetings at Victory. It became the “hub” of activity within the community! Pastor Loren was a Chaplain for Palliative Care at the Medicine Hat Hospital for a number of years and was always on call 24/7 day or night. When he became aware of a need - he did not hesitate. He was a faithful, devoted servant to the Lord and a shepherd to all. He was loving, kind, generous, caring and had the most fantastic sense of humour and wit. He was a devoted Coca Cola fan and you would always find a “Coke” close by wherever he was. Pastor Loren will be lovingly remembered by all who knew him. We will miss him dearly but we will forever treasure all the memories he has left with us.
We would like to thank Meadow Ridge Seniors Centre and Riverview Age Care for the care provided during his stay. The funeral service was held at Victory Lutheran Church (2793 Southview Drive SE) on Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. with Pastor Roland Weisbrot officiating.
Christmas Benediction
Almighty God our Father, fill us with love, grace and faith so that we may experience Mary's awe and wonder as she pondered all that had occurred, Joseph's desire and resolve to hear and obey your word, the joy of the angels that first Christmas morn, the eagerness of the shepherds to go to Bethlehem and see, the determination of the magi to follow the star and behold the face of the new king, and the peace that only Christ can impart. Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless you now and forever. Amen.