It’s no secret that the current rules of our economy favor corporations and the ultra-wealthy over working people. I’m fighting for serious reform of our economic policies, and the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has been an invaluable partner in that effort. 
EPI documents the ways that our economy is failing workers and their families, and conducts critical research on the unbalanced economic realities facing women, workers of color, and immigrants. This analysis has been more crucial than ever as my colleagues and I work to level the playing field and ensure a fair and equitable economic recovery for all.  

In the past year alone, EPI was one of the most important voices pushing back against the idea that robust economic recovery programs were responsible for rising inflation. EPI was among the first to sound the alarm when policymakers sought to put the burden of easing inflation on workers’ backs by cutting relief programs and raising interest rates. EPI has also led the conversation about raising the minimum wage at the federal, state, and local levels to help workers and their families keep up with inflation.

And in the wake of the Supreme Court’s disastrous ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, EPI highlighted how abortion bans are also an attack on women’s economic well-being, with particularly harmful outcomes for Black and Hispanic women. EPI’s work at the intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, and the economy are more needed than ever in the fights ahead for reproductive freedom, racial justice, and gender justice.

Through hard-hitting research, congressional testimonies, public outreach, and media engagement, EPI shapes the conversation around economic fairness in Washington. EPI is a key part of the movement for a fair economy. 

Your gift today will ensure that EPI has the resources needed to continue its critical work and meet the challenges that lie ahead. Please support EPI by making a contribution to fuel its work in 2023 and beyond

Thanks for being a part of this,

Elizabeth Warren
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