

What a year we have had here at Council with a number of major projects progressing including Cox Street, Melville Oval, the new Art Gallery, CBD Revitalisation and Lonsdale Street building, HRLX Underpass, Pedrina Park Inclusive Sports Hub and so much more. While we are just seeing the beginning of majority of these projects, we can't wait for these to progress in the new year to really make a significant change to the lives of our Southern Grampians residents. If you are heading away over the Christmas period, travel safely, enjoy your break and have a Merry Christmas well spent with family and friends.
         Mayor, David Robertson
      Your Council. Your News. 

Welcome to our final edition of Southern Grampians Now for 2022

Take your time to read through the links below to find out what's happening across the Southern Grampians or click here to see my post Council wrap up video.

December Council Meeting

Outcomes from the Wednesday 14 December 2022 Council Meeting:
  • Council awarded a number of contracts including the seating replacement in the Hamilton Performing Arts Centre; Bridge maintenance and culvert replacement; progression of the Dunkeld Visitor Hub viewing platform and associated landscaping works; and building services.
  • Council resolved to make temporary changes to the Outdoor Pool Operating Policy to introduce a rotational schedule at Glenthompson and Penshurst in response to lifeguard shortages across the Southern Grampians. 
  • Council also adopted the revised Community Partnership Grants (formerly Greater Grants) Policy.
Check out the latest Council Meeting agenda items here

Cox Street Redevelopment Project Progresses

The Cox Street redevelopment project will continue to progress early in the new year with works recommencing Monday 16 January 2023 with altered access.

These works will include the installation of underground drainage which will cause temporary disruptions and managed closures of the intersections of Cox Street and Sedgwick Street, Gray Street and Clarendon Street as the works progress.

Drainage works are expected to take approximately 47 days with completion date mid-March (weather permitting). Pathway and kerb upgrades including new splitter islands in Cox Street will follow with full scale road pavement upgrades to be completed on the east side of Cox Street.

Traffic management will be in place for the duration of the works so please follow signage for the safety of yourself, the contractors, and other road users.

Heavy vehicles including trucks and buses MUST use the signposted heavy vehicle detour as heavy vehicle traffic will not have access without special arrangements during the construction period.

Click here for more details

Plan for Nature

Being a resident of the Southern Grampians, we are lucky to have access to a range of incredible natural locations including the amazing Wannon and Nigretta Falls, Grampians and much more. We you to tell us which location across the region you and your family value or visit most to form part of a new Southern Grampians Plan for Nature.

The plan will provide a shared vision between Council, community, Traditional Owners and other key regional stakeholders, and set out strategies and actions to protect and enhance biodiversity and natural areas across the region.

We want to identify priority conservation areas on both public and private land for protection, shortfalls in the Shire’s planning scheme and required updates to protect these areas, prioritise development or renewal of existing management plans for reserves, and prioritise the focus for future Council investments in the protection of nature across the shire.

How can you get involved?

There are a number of ways you can get involved. Check out our online interactive map and accompanying survey to help understand where you think areas high biodiversity and natural value. The online map and survey will allow you to highlight and comment on specific locations within the Shire, as well as express your thoughts, experiences and ideas. You could also send us your favourite natural asset photo via or via our Facebook page. You can also pop into the Library and check out the map on the big screen or fill out a hardcopy of the survey at the Brown Street Customer Service Centre.

Click here for more information

Penshurst Adaptive Waste

The Penshurst Adaptive Wastewater Pilot Project has taken off over the last couple of months where we continue to work with Wannon Water and Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority. We have been successful in obtaining funding for a pilot project to test the adaptive wastewater concept in one of the 12 areas within Penshurst.

Funding awarded from DELWP under the Integrated Water Management program will enable the adaptive sewerage servicing concept to be trialled at a smaller, measureable and lower risk scale, prior to potentially rolling out across Penshurst.

The pilot will involve trialling the treatment of raw sewerage from 29 existing properties with the treated recycled water to be used to irrigate public open space via a system below the ground. Council staff and agencies involved have been communicating with residents and will continue to do so for the duration of the pilot. We are looking forward to seeing this pilot progress as has the potential to make a significant difference to the people of Penshurst.

Click here for more information

Christmas Closures

A number of Council services will be closed across the Christmas and New Year period including the Customer Service Centres located at both Brown Street and Market Place. Offices will close 5:00pm Friday 23 December 2022 and will reopen on 8:30am Tuesday 3 January 2023.

For updates on the Hamilton Gallery, Library, HILAC, Visitor Information Centres, Transfer Stations and Kerbside services, visit our website.

Click here for service Christmas operation hours
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