Dear <<First Name>>,

Another year has come and gone – what a year of obstacles and accomplishments! For me, it has been nothing but an honour to reflect on and celebrate the opportunity to build and strengthen our community together with you.

  • Seniors Sharing Shabbat continues to be a highlight for many of the recipients who would otherwise be isolated. 
  • JFS and Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre (VHEC) announced a new partnership to serve Greater Vancouver’s Holocaust Survivors and their descendants. 
  • JFS partnered to launch a hot lunch delivery program at the RJDS offering healthy, plant-based options available to all students.

I couldn’t have predicted the challenges of a post-pandemic world. Like everyone, JFS has been impacted by market volatility, inflation, record high food, gas and supply prices, climate change, and the crisis in Ukraine.

Yet, despite these challenges, I’m so proud to have seen us rise to the occasion, day after day, to make a difference in the lives of others. The mission of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, is not one we take alone, but a partnership we take with all of you. Throughout the challenges, so many of you took the initiative to reach out to us to ask “What do you need? How can I help?”

  • The Young Professional Committee packed Passover Hampers for JFS clients and others in our community. 
  • JFS was honoured with the City of Vancouver’s coveted “Healthy City for All” Award for our adaptation and response during the pandemic.

We rely on many partners, like Jewish Federation and our donors, to make sure we can fulfill our mission and meet the demands from our community--something we take great pride in achieving.

This year, JFS hit a $7M operating budget for the first time, nearly double what it was 5 years ago. This significant increase is a direct result of the substantial rise in both the number of clients who turn to us for support, and their increased needs. It speaks to the relevance of JFS in our community today.

  • As part of our 2022 Innovators Lunch, Chef Michelle Dodek came to The Kitchen for a live-streamed event; over $250,000 was raised to top up the JFS emergency financial aid fund and support emergency food programs.
  • The Zubris Family was in need of temporary housing after arriving from Kherson, Ukraine, and JFS was able to secure four months of subsidized housing through Belmont Properties.
  • JFS was honoured to take part in this year's Pride Shabbat Dinner.

The increase in funding allowed us to support over 3,000 people:

  • Over 1,600 people received groceries each month;
  • Over 120 people received plant-based kosher meals prepared in-house;
  • 50 people received Seniors Sharing Shabbat meals each month;
  • Over 350 clients received home support services;
  • 180 Holocaust survivors received ongoing support;
  • 29 Ukrainian families received settlement services;
  • Over 170 people were supported by our clinical counsellors and interns;
  • Over 900 people have had in-depth care management.

These achievements speak volumes about our supporters and volunteers. You were ready, willing, and available to step up and support us in building the infrastructure for our community’s growing needs.

  • We were excited to partner with JQT Vancouver for Twice Blessed 2.0: The Jewish LGBTQ2+ Initiative, a report reflecting the needs of Jewish LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals in Vancouver.
  • Emiko Venlet created "A Sense of Belonging" at The Kitchen as part of the Vancouver Mural Festival, after feeling a strong connection to JFS’ culture and values.
  • We broke a new record for Project Isaiah this year: over $50,000 and 6,500+ lbs of nutritious food was donated for our grocery and meal delivery programs!
Looking ahead, the main priorities for JFS over the next few years will be to invest in community engagement, sustainability, impact, and organizational capacity. Additionally, it is our responsibility to continue to respond to changing community needs and commit to making JFS a place that champions justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • The JFS Housing event panel was an important opportunity to have meaningful dialogue on the housing crisis.
  • The Kitchen hosted the first-ever RJDS Food Lab mini-program for Grade 4-7 students.
  • 59 families received Hanukkah hampers prepared and donated by JFS supporters.

Thank you all for your dedication to doing this work together. I hope you know that each of you gives strength and a future to this community.

On behalf of all of the JFS staff and clients, thank you!

With warm wishes for a happy 2023,

Tanja Demajo, CEO

P.S. If you haven't already donated to our Friends of the Family Annual Campaign, there's only a few days left to do so and receive a 2022 tax receipt! 

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Jewish Family Services · 320-2285 Clark Drive · Vancouver, BC V5N 3G9 · Canada