Gratitude from the Workshop Administration Team
The Workshop Administration Team would like to give a HUGE thank you to our Instructors for all of the work that has been done this year.
We faced some heavy challenges in 2022 as we worked through the many changes that came out of 2021. An incredible number of Instructors stepped up to help us through these challenges. From supporting workshops to giving us feedback, we could not have accomplished what we did this year without you!
We know we have asked for a lot out of you this year, but please know that we have also learned so much. For 2023, it is our goal to find better ways to support and guide the Instructor community and lessen the pressure that was placed on you this year. We hope that you have a wonderful end to 2022, and can't wait for what is to come in 2023!!
The Carpentries Community Development Program
Interested in community management within The Carpentries and other open source communities? Check out our repository where we are compiling relevant resources
Highlights from the Carpentries Community Calendar
Community Discussions and Themed Discussions in The Carpentries are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on community calls that may pique your interest and are in a befitting hour depending on your timezone and schedule. You can also watch some of our recorded community calls on our YouTube channel.
3 January
11 January
18 January
Incubator Lesson Spotlight
The Incubator Lesson Spotlight is a regular feature in The Carpentries blog and Carpentries Clippings newsletter, highlighting the great work our community is doing to develop new lessons in The Carpentries Incubator. Developers of any lesson in the Incubator are encouraged to submit details about their material for inclusion in the series.
If you would like to increase the visibility of your lesson and encourage Carpentries community members to contribute to its ongoing development, fill in this short form.
This edition’s featured lesson is R and the Tidyverse for Working with Data