
People like you inspire us every day

With nearly 40 years of experience in more than 150 countries, The Task Force is contributing to global efforts to strengthen health systems and protect communities. As an organization rooted in collaboration, we all have a role in advancing health as a human right for all. Everyone we work with, including YOU, reminds us that even in the most trying times, our individual actions have a collective impact. See below to learn about some of the people who inspire us:

YOUR Gift Can Help Build Disease Outbreak and Response Capacity in Pakistan...

At the beginning of the pandemic, Dr. Nadia Noreen, a graduate of Pakistan’s Field Epidemiology Training and Laboratory Program (FETLP), was one of those screening passengers at the Islamabad airport. Now, she serves as the COVID-19 focal person for all the country’s points of entry for the Pakistani Ministry of Health. Read more about Dr. Noreen's work.

YOUR Gift Can Help Tackle Polio Outbreaks in Sierra Leone...

Daniel Bangura and his team brave difficult terrain, vaccine hesitancy, and COVID-19 complications to tackle polio outbreaks in remote villages in Sierra Leone. Read more about Daniel's work.

YOUR Gift Can Encourage Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training for Global Health Leaders..


After 30 years in public health, Dr. Zerihun Tadesse embraced compassionate leadership as a way to be more effective. Learn more about Dr. Tadesse's work.

Because of your donation today, public health professionals like Nadia, Daniel, Zerihun and other partners can contribute to helping people in all countries protect themselves and their communities.

This giving season, we are thrilled to announce a matching grant from a group of loyal Task Force supporters. For every dollar raised by the end of this year, they will match it up to $25,000.

Your gift allows us to meet urgent health needs worldwide and will be used where it is most needed.

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