Dear Class of 2023 and Class of 2024!
It’s that time of year again! We are currently seeking written submissions and artwork for Letters to a Clinical Student. This publication is given to students at the annual Student Clinician’s Ceremony. Likely, you remember receiving this publication during your ceremony, which contained letters to you from the classes before you. These letters spoke of successes and accomplishments from the clinical years, described inspirational stories from patient interactions, and gave advice about what to expect in the next phase of your education. Now, we are asking you to “pay it forward” to the Class of 2025. BONUS: Self-reflection is a powerful paradigm to boost your Professional Identity Formation.
Our goal is to have the publication ready for distribution at the Student Clinician’s Ceremony in February 2023. For timely publication, please submit your letter no later than Friday, January 6, 2023. These letters will be published for any and all to view (although they can be “anonymous” in the publication too). If you write about a patient encounter, please make sure to “de-identify” all patient information. The Letters to a Clinical Studentpublication included 89 letters last year. We hope the Classes of 2023 and 2024 can increase the number of submissions.
Additionally, we are seeking an artist to design the cover. Last year’s publication contained 2 original works of art as well. If you are interested in submitting artwork for the publication, please contact Dr. Esterl at or Dr. Holbrook at
PLEASE NOTE: Both artwork and letters can be added to your CV as a publication.
Please submit your letter as a word document (Last Name, First Name) to by Friday, January 6, 2023. If you’d like to remain anonymous, specify at the bottom of your letter. Any questions about requirements for your letter may be directed to as well.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Derek Holbrook, Ed.D.
Director for Academic Enhancement and Career Development