Upcoming ETER User Trainings and Research Seminars

While the ETER data collection for the academic year 2020/21 is fully underway and we plan to publish the new data in March 2023, we are already pleased to inform you about some ETER events in 2023. 

We look forward to many participations in 2023 and wish you relaxing holidays!

Joint RISIS-ETER Demo Session

Matching Research Organizations with OrgReg using OpenRefine

18th January 2023 2 p.m. (CET)
Presenters: Benedetto Lepori & Daniels Wagner-Schuster

In this event, we will demonstrate the use of OpenRefine in order to match a list of research organisations with ETER/OrgReg. OpenRefine (formerly Google Refine) is a free, open source desktop tool for cleaning data and RISIS has developed a reconciliation API extension. Users can upload in OpenRefine their own list of organisational names and connect via API via OrgReg in order to identify proposed matches and import OrgReg identifiers in their data. The application is particularly useful for middle-sized datasets with some hundreds or few thousands organisational names. The session will guide participants to the usage of OpenRefine and its customisation options.

Research Seminar

Comparing Measures of HEI Size. Academic Staff vs. Scientific Talent

18th January 2023 12:30 p.m.. (CET)
Presenters: Benedetto Lepori , Lutz Bornmann & Félix de Moya Anegón
Discussant: Wolfgang Glänzel, KU Leuven

This paper compares two measures of organisational size of Higher Education Institutions widely used in the literature: the number of Academic Personnel (AP) measured according to definitions from international education statistics, and the Scientific Talent Pool (STP), i.e. the number of unique authors affiliated to the HEI as derived from the Scopus database. We derive expectations on the factors generating differences between these two measures, as related to the HEI’s research orientation and subject mix, as well as to the presence of a university hospital. We test these expectations on a sample of more than 1,500 HEIs in Europe by combining data from the European Tertiary Education Register and from the Scimago Institutions Ranking. Our results provide strong support to the expected relationships and also highlights cases where the institutional perimeter of HEIs is systematically different between the two sources. We conclude that these two indicators provide complementary measures of institutional size.

Save the date

The Empirical Analysis of Degree-Mobile Students: The Hosting Country Perspective

Research Seminar
15th March 2023 12:30 p.m. (CET)
Presenter: Dmitriy Fedotov



Academic Personnel & Senority Levels
ETER User Training
22nd March 2023 10 a.m. (CET)
Instructor: Benedetto Lepori
Introductory Training
ETER User Training
10th May 2023 10 a.m. (CET)
Instructors: Agata Lambrechts & Georg Zahradnik
Clean and Prepare Data for Analysis with R
ETER User Training
14th June 2023 10 a.m. (CET)
Instructor: Daniels Wagner-Schuster
Access the ETER website to download data
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Service Contract EAC-2021-0170
Copyright © European Tertiary Education Register, Università della Svizzera italiana,  Lugano, Switzerland.

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