Gardeners’ Corner
at the Calgary Horticultural Society

Season’s Greetings

Photo notes (L to R): A jar of olive oil infused with garden herbs and a tin of homemade salve made after a Society class with Melaine Isles (Joanna Tschudy); homemade bar soap created with extra herbs, flowers, roots, and scraps from the garden (Joanna Tschudy); winter holiday pots decorated with acrylic paints make a perfect gift for a community gardener (April Cortines)

Note: This activity can be done with a plastic container if using glass is a concern. If the creator is not satisfied with how the snow looks on the side of the glass (before adding the garden treasures), pour the salt out to reuse it. Rinse the glass with warm water. Dry it and start again.

The scenes shown contain dried yarrow, red clover, poppy seed heads, veroncia, sedum, and hyssop. The jar is decorated with garden twine.

You can read Calgary Gardening online or download it to your device to read it later offline. It is a PDF, so if you prefer paper, you can print it.

Recycling and Composting Tips

New items to replace out of date or worn out goods are often given as gifts during the holidays, but what do we do with the things we no longer need or want? Here are a few tips about what can be recycled or composted.

If your blue cart is full, save the extra recycling for the next pick up or bring it to a community depot. If you are not sure what to do with the item you are trying to dispose, use the A–Z Listing What Goes Where tool on the City of Calgary website to find out where it belongs.

Using the Throw and Go bins is free. However, you cannot bring garbage to be dropped of at the landfill at the same time or you will be charge a landfill fee.

Member Notes
