

newsletter from

Comhairle na Gàidhlig

The Gaelic Council of Nova Scotia

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Tapadh leibh!
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Anns an eagran seo... | In this edition...

Naidheachd | News
1) Teachdaireachd nam Féilltean | Holiday Message
2) Gaelic Foundations: Living Cultures
3) New Features DASG

Céilidhean Beò | Live Céilidhs
1) Glencoe Christmas Dance
2) Port no Dhà | A Tune or Two
3) Bòrd na Gàidhlig
4) West Mabou Dance
5) Pop-Up Gaeltacht in the Valley

Clasaichean Beò | Live Clases
1) Crash Course Gaelic Film Weekend 
2) Cape Breton Stepdance Lessons
3) Beginner Youth Fiddle Lessons

Céilidhean Air Loidhne | Online Céilidhs
1) Pop-up Gàidhealtachd - The Highland Village
2) Storas air Astar

Clasaichean air Loidhne | Online Classes
1) Sgoil Ghàidhlig an Àrd-Bhaile Gaeic Classes
2) The Gaelic College Winter Class Online Series

Gàidhlig air an Rèidio | Gaelic on the Radio
1) Gaelic on CBFM 
2) Gaelic Nova Scotia Station
3) Aiseirigh nan Gàidheal

Naidheachd | News

Teachdaireachd nam Féilltean | Holiday Message 

a Leughdair Chòir | Dear Reader,

Beannachdan nam Féilltean oirbh uile bho Chomhairle na Gàidhlig. Tha sinn ag iarraidh fios a leigeil do luchd-leughaidh agus buill na Comhairle gun do choinnich sinn ri Ministear Iomairtean na Gàidhlig, an t-Onarach Ailean Mac a’ Mhaighstir. Rinn sinn còmhradh mu dhéidhinn na taice a tha ann airson coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig gu làthaireach, agus thòisich sinn còmhradh mu dhéidhinn ciamar a b’ urrainn dhuinn cur rithe, no feabhas a chur air na tha againn. Tha sinn a’ dèanadh fiughair ris a’ chàirdeas seo a leasachadh agus ris a’ chothrom a bhios againn gus tagairt a dhèanadh airson na Gàidhlig agus nan Gàidheal ann an Albainn Nuaidh.  Cuideachd, bidh sinn a’ coinneachadh ri luchd-ionaid Roinn an Fhoghlaim ‘s a’ Bhliadhna Ùir airson còmhraidh a dhèanadh air Foghlam na Gàidhlig ann an Albainn Nuaidh agus dé théid againn air a dhèanadh gus adhartachadh agus feabhas a chur air.

A bharrachd air sin, tha a’ bhliadhna seo air a thighinn gu ìre a thaobh leasachadh institiuideach agus clàr-tachartasan na Comhairle. Tha sinn taingeil gu Oifis Iomairtean na Gàidhlig agus an taic a leigeadh do Chomhairle na Gàidhlig los gum b’ urrainn dhuinn neach-obrach làn-ùine a dhèanadh dhen rianaire againn, Ciarán Mac Siúlaí. Am bliadhna, seo feadhainn dhe na puingean a bu mhotha a bh’ againn a thaobh thachartasan: Latha Cultair is Cànain nan Gàidheal, tachartas ann an co-bhonn le Oilthigh Naoimh Fhransaidh Xavier, a chuir oileanaich na Gàidhlig ri chéile bho sgoiltean ann an Albainn Nuaidh gus latha bogaidh ann an cultar agus cànan a chur air dòigh; bha an cothrom againn a-rithist maoineachadh a thoirt gu Gàidheil na h-Albann Nuaidh gus obair bhrìoghmhor a dèanadh gus a’ Ghàidhlig a thogail, no obair a dhèanadh airson na coimhearsnachd aca, tron mhaoin “Gàidheil air Adhart” am bliadhna. ‘S urrainn dhuibh tuilleadh a leughadh mu dhéidhinn “Gàidheil air Adhart” A-SEO.

Comhairle na Gàidhlig would like to pass on Holiday wishes to you all. Comhairle na Gàidhlig has had a successful year in terms of its institutional development and programming. It is grateful to the Office of Gaelic Affairs and their support in allowing Comhairle na Gàidhlig to extend the contract of our administrator, Kieran Walker, for another year and expand his hours to full time. Highlights of our programming this year included Latha Cùltair is Cànain nan Gàidheal | Gaelic Language and Culture day, an event in partnership with St. FX University, which brought Gaelic language students together in Antigonish for an immersive cultural experience in May. Our 2022 round of Gàidheil air Adhart funding helped many Nova Scotians make meaningful contributions to their own Gaelic language acquisition or enabled them to bring Gaelic projects to their communities; you can read more about Gàidheil air Adhart HERE. Comhairle na Gàidhlig also took the lead on Mìos nan Gàidheal | Gaelic Nova Scotia Month this year with support from Comhairle na Gàidhlig and community volunteers, the Office of Gaelic Affairs, and the Scottish Affairs Office for Canada.

Comhairle na Gàidhlig continues to advocate for the interests of Gaelic in Nova Scotia. This past week, several members of our board met with the Hon. Allan MacMaster, Minister of Gaelic Affairs, and his staff, to discuss how the relationship between the two organisations can be further strengthened to the benefit of Gaelic programming in Nova Scotia. We thank the Hon. Minister for meeting with us and we look forward to continuing this discussion in the coming New Year. Members of our board will also be meeting with representatives from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in the weeks ahead regarding Gaelic programming in public schools.  

Beannachdan nam Féilltean oirbh is air ur n-àl! | Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Bòrd Chomhairle na Gàidhlig 

Gaelic Foundations: Living Cultures 

Learn about life through a Gaelic lens ~ join our Mabou classroom this fall.
Tha sinn an dòchas gu bheil sibh uile slàn is sona is sinn a' teannadh air na làithean saora! 

We have a wee early holiday gift for you in the form of several updated features in the song index (huge thanks to Stevie Barrett at DASGfor designing and implementing these!)

🎄We have added audio and file icons next to songs that have recordings and/or lyrics - clicking on the icons will link directly to the media resource. 

🎄We now have drop-down menus for fixed-term fields in the search function to make it easier to define your search. 

🎄We've fixed a bug that prevented searching with three or more parameters at the same time. 

🎄We've fixed bugs within the 'regular expressions' search function and updated the user guide for regular expressions (regular expressions offer powerful search functionality that can search variant Gaelic spellings). 

🎄We've reinstated working links to the digital issues of Mac-Talla - the new links now bring you to the exact page where the song appears in a PDF scan of the original issue housed on the DASG site. 

Check them all out here and let us know what you think/what other search functions you would find helpful:

Céidhlidhean Beò | Live Céilidhs

Christmas Dance in Glencoe
Christmas Eve Eve, December 23, at the Glencoe Station Hall 9-1.
— at Glencoe Station Hall.
Port no Dhà | A Tune or Two
We'll be back for more sessions in the new year: Jan. 12, Jan. 26, Feb. 9, and more!

Mabou Gaelic & Historical Society recognizes the support of the Province of Nova Scotia. We are pleased to work in partnership with the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage to develop and promote our cultural resources for all Nova Scotians

Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Great news: Bòrd na Gàidhlig is back, on Wednesdays from 12:45-1:30! If you want to practice your Gaelic and a song, you can find us in Immaculata Hall 205.

West Mabou Dance

Shelly Campbell, Joe MacMaster and Allan Dewar

Saturday, December 31st 9:30pm -12:30am

Admission $15 

10 and under free


Pop-Up Gaeltacht in The Valley

First Pop-Up Gaeltacht of 2023! If you have a few words of Irish or are interested in the language, join us at Paddy's Pub in Wolfville for some fun and conversation.


Clasaichean Beò | Live Classes

Cùrsa Goirid air Filmichean | Crash Course Gaelic Film Weekend

Join Còmhlan Filmeadairean Gàidhlig na h-Albann Nuaidh / The Gaelic Filmmakers' Society of Nova Scotia for a crash course in filmmaking! Get hands-on experience and learn to make a film by making a film!

When: January 21st and 22nd, 2023 from 10 am to 5 pm

Where: Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Who: Anyone in Nova Scotia with an interest in Gaelic and film

How much: Free

Why: To tell Gaelic stories in a visual medium


Made possible by the generous support of The Scots Charitable Foundation, Halifax, N.S
Cape Breton Stepdance Lessons

Hey HRM folks! Come out and try a class in Cape Breton Stepdance! Lots of fun and great exercise... classes are filling up quickly!

For more information and to register: HERE
Youth Fiddle Lessons

I’m starting group beginner fiddle lessons for those ages 16 and under this January. you can email me at to reserve a seat. #capebretonfiddle#fiddlelessons

Céidhlidhean Air Loidhne | Online Céilidhs

The Highland Village is hosting a weekly pop-up Gàidhealtachd! They will be held at noon on Fridays.

Click here for more information.
Stòras air Astar

(English follows)
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh air neo gus clàradh a dhèanadh, cuir post-d gu Sionainn ni'n Aonghais Iain Pheadair:
Bidh Stòras air Astar 'ga chumail air loidhne (tro Zoom) trì tursan réidh a' gheamhraidh air an darna DiArdaoin dhe 'n mhìos

DiArdaoin an 12a dhe 'n Fhaoilleach 10:00 AST
DiArdaoin an 9mh dhe 'n Ghearran 10:00 AST
DiArdaoin an 9mh dhe 'n Mhàrt 10:00 AST

Bidh na seiseannan 'ga ruith gach trup eadar 10:00m – 2:00f àm na h-Alba Nuaidhe (òran, seanchas, tàmh, céilidh). Leis gu bheil beagan do dheasachadh ri dheanadh ro 'n àm le stuthan Stòrais, tha clàradh ro-làimh buileach riatanach. As deoghaidh dhuibh clàradh a dheanadh, sgaoilidh sinn fios agus mion-chunntasan Zoom 'ugaibh.
Gu ìre mhóir, tha dualchas nan Gàidheal air a bhith 'ga aisigeadh anuas tro na ginealaichean o bheul gu beul. Bho 2008, tha Stòras a' Bhaile air a bhith air a shònrachadh le gnìomhachas làimheadh, agus fearas-chuideachd, a bhios 'gan libhrigeadh gu léir tro mheadhon na Gàidhlig air feadh làrach a' Bhaile. Tha Stòras 'na iomairt adhartaich a bheir beul-oideachas gu inbhe taobh amuigh air clasaichean àbhaisteach. Am bliadhna, 's ann air loidhne a thig sinn cruinn a sheanchas. Bidh e 'na amas aig Stòras air Astar dualachas beò a chur an céill mar as aithne do Ghàidheil na h-Albann Nuaidh gus an diugh fhéin. 
'S iad a leanas a bhios an ceann Stòrais: Iain Seathach, Oilthaigh Dhùn Éideann; Màiri Sìne NicLaomain, ban-sheinneadair Ghàidhlig; Sionainn ni'n Aonghais Iain Pheadair, Baile nan Gàidheal; còmhla ri caraidean.
Gheobh an fheadhainn a tha gabhail pàirt brosnachadh an cuid sgilean a chur an gnìomh 's a ghabhail fos làimh a bhith 'nan seinneadairean 's 'nan luchd aithris gus an saoghal 's an dìleab a chumail beò is fallain.

Gus seo a thoirt gu buil, bidh na sgilean a leanas 's an amharc: 

*fàs ann an stòras-cuimhne stuth-dùthchais (a 'gabhail astaigh naidheachdan éibhinn ionadail) bho aithris bheòil, clàraidhean agus tar-sgrìobhaidhean;
*comas air tuigsinn is mìneachadh briathrachas an stuth sin;
*cleachdaidhean is modh a' chéilidh; 
*eòlas air eachdraidh ionadail no choimhearsnachail an stuth agus *comas air a mìneachadh; 
*gabhail pàirt ann an còmhraidhean neo-fhoirmeil a' chéilidh.
Tha Stòras a' Bhaile air innleachdadh mar chothrom eadar-gnìomhachail caidreabhach. Feumar tuigsinn nach bi ach a' Ghàidhlig 'ga labhairt 's an àm. 
Gheobhar aithisgean air Stòras a' Bhaile a' seo:

Bidh Stòras air Astar a'faighinn taic-airgid bho Oifis na Gàidhlig, Program Cànain is Cultair na Gàidhlig 's a' Choimhearsnachd (GLIC). 
For more information, or to register, email Shannon MacMullin:
Over the winter, Baile nan Gàidheal will host 3 Stòras air Astar sessions, an online Gaelic Folk Life School on the second Thursday of each month.:

Thursday, January 12, 2023 10:00 AST
Thursday, February 9, 2023 10:00 AST
Thursday, March 9, 2023 10:00 AST
Sessions will run online (via Zoom) from 10:00 am to 2pm Nova Scotia time (song, oral tradition, a break for lunch, céilidh). As some preparation is required (materials will be provided), pre-registration is absolutely necessary. After registration, session and Zoom details will be sent.
Over generations, living Gaelic language and culture has been largely passed down o bheul gu beul | from mouth to mouth through everyday interactions between people and their environment. Since 2008, Stòras a' Bhaile has distinguished itself by hands-on language activities and social time conducted entirely through the Gaelic language on Baile nan Gàidheal's historic site. An innovative approach to transmitting Gaelic culture and language outside the classroom, this year's online immersion sessions will focus on the Nova Scotia's storytelling and song traditions, music, dance and the historical environment.
Guest leaders and facilitators for Stòras a' Bhaile will be Dr. John Shaw, University of Edinburgh, Gaelic singer Mary Jane Lamond, and Shannon MacMullin, Baile nan Gàidheal, along with Gaelic speaking friends.
Stòras a' Bhaile participants will be encouraged to become active tradition bearers in order to ensure the survival of the region's living Gaelic tradition in the long-term. In previous years, Stòras a' Bhaile has provided a firm foundation of oral tradition to build on. A wide variety of songs are already in the active repertoires of participants, and stories ranging from short anecdotes to longer traditional tales from community storytellers have been performed in the informal style of the region's Gaelic communities. Developing transmission and performance skills for future active tradition bearers in the workshops will include:  
*acquiring an increased repertoire of traditional materials (including humorous local stories) from oral performance, recordings and transcriptions; 
*understanding and explaining the vocabulary encountered in the oral tradition;
*céilidh practice and etiquette; 
*explaining the community or historical background of an item sung or recited; 
*and participating in informal discussions.
Stòras air Astar is designed for social interaction through language immersion. Please note that this Gaelic only event. 
Stòras a' Bhaile reports from previous years are available here:

Stòras air Astar is supported by the Nova Scotia Office of Gaelic Affairs Gaelic Language and Culture in Community Program (GLIC).

Facebook Post: HERE

Clasaichean Air Loidhne | Online Classes

Registration is open for our Winter Session!
- Please note the class format when registering
- As we are based in Nova Scotia, all class times are listed in ADT/UTC-3
- Please email to register

The opportunity to learn continues all year as Colaisde na Gàidhlig presents the Seasonal Series, an online bundle of live instructional lessons from some of the tradition’s finest. Our winter session runs January 16 – March 10, 2023.
❄️ 🎻 ❄️ 🎹 ❄️ 💃❄️

For one flat rate of $135CAD, students can access any and all available classes over the 8 week schedule. Classes run from 3:30pm-4:30pm ADT. Classes will range from Gaelic language, fiddle, piping, guitar and piano accompaniment, highland dance and step dance. Classes will be offered via Zoom and will be recorded and available to registered students for 7 days after each class takes place.
❄️ 🎻 ❄️ 🎹 ❄️ 💃❄️

Check it out and register here ➡️

Makes a really cool Christmas gift! 😃

Gàidhlig air an Rèidio | Gaelic on the Radio

CBFM has Feasgar còmhla ri Cailean Dòmhnullach! The show will be in Gaelic and will run Monday-Friday evenings from 7-9! Colin is the Director of Gaelic at Colaisde na Gàidhlig and the show starts Monday evening!

Listen in HERE 


Gaelic Nova Scotia Station

The Gaelic Nova Scotia Station will be on Saturday mornings at 8:00 am

97.5 Community Radio in Kwipew

Listen live at to hear conversations, music, and the voices and views of Nova Scotia's Gaelic community.

Aiseirigh Nan Gàidheal 

Listen in to this long running bilingual (Gaelic and English) radio program live at 6pm-7pm on Saturdays!

listen live at this LINK!

Comhairle na Gàidhlig would like to thank the North British Society Charitable Trust for their generous support of this newsletter.

To view more information on the Trust, please visit their website HERE.
Copyright © 2021 Comhairle na Gàidhlig, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
51779 Cabot Trail
P.O. Box 80
Englishtown, NS  
Canada  B0C 1H0

Thanks to the Scots Society and the Office of Gaelic Affairs of NS and the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage for supporting this newsletter

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Comhairle na Gaidhlig · 51779 Cabot Trail · P.O. Box 80 · Englishtown, NS B0C 1H0 · Canada

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